Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Minced parsley

Mains Pepper Salt Minced garlic ...

Melt the butter on a pan. Saute the peas for a few minutes. Add onion, garlic and half of the parsley. Stir another 5 minutes. Stir occasionally. Take it off the forehead and keep it warm. Add the butter and oil. Step the medallions 6-8 minutes on each side

Appetizers Freshly ground pepper A little water and butter Pepper ...

Appelsinløg: Cut the onions in slices and saute them for a moment in a little water and butter. Sprinkle the onion slices and boil them in the orange juice until they are completely tender and the dishes are well-cooked - approx. ½ hour. Season with salt a

Mains Freshly ground pepper Minced parsley Olive oil ...

The potatoes are peeled and cut into thin slices. The potato slices are baked in oil, sprinkle with salt, pepper and finely chopped garlic. Broth is poured and the potatoes are spread over the lid. The meat is brushed with oil and brown on all sides in a fr

Mains Go cajun poultry Dry sherry Hønsebouilon ...

Clean the poussins in cold water and wipe them off. Season each with Go Cajun Poultry and set aside. Mix the orange juice and the soy sauce. Rub the poussins into the mixture and wrap two strips of bacon around each bird. Put the poussons in an ovenproof dish

Mains Pepper Salt Turkey on 4.6 kg ...

Remove the turkey from the turkey and rinse well. Sprinkle it with salt on the outside. Mix breadcrumbs, bacontern, berries and parsley in a bowl. Stir whipped cream, salt and pepper into the mixture. Pump the mixture into the turkey and close with the mea

Mains Butter Pepper Finely chopped yellow onions ...

Turn on the oven at 200 ° C. Mash the cold, boiled potatoes and mix all the ingredients in a bowl. Form the father as a loaf and put it in a greased oven dish. tips: Served if required. With raw potatoes.

Mains Salt Celery Vegetable broth ...

The rice is boiled for about 40 minutes until they are tender. The celery is peeled, cut into coarse tern and boil well tenderly. Celery moses Raspberry is soaked in broth and whipped cream. Rice, celery and rasp are stirred together. Hazelnuts, parsley,

Soups Finely grated must of ½ lemon Oil Cinnamon ...

Onions and garlic are exchanged in oil. The chives, whole chilli and ginger are added and shuffled for 1 minute. Potatoes, pumpkin and broth are added and the soup cooks under low for 20 minutes. Remove the chili, add half of the cream and mix the soup into