Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Minced parsley

Sides Lemon said A little cayenne pepper Salt ...

Stir the softened butter with herbs and season with spices.

Mains Lemon said Herb butter A little cayenne pepper ...

Stir the softened butter with herbs and season with spices. Distribute the prawns into 4 oven-proof pots. Put the butter over and sprinkle a little rasp on finally. Stir the dishes in a hot oven under the grill for 5 minutes. Or until they are golden

Mains Jævning Finely chopped dill Minced parsley ...

The aprons are scrapped and cleaned. Spread inside with lettuce and fill with parsley and dill (store a little for the sauce). Put in an ovenproof dish and pour white wine or broth on. Cooked at 200 degrees for approx. 20 min. Depending on the size of the fish

Mains Freshly ground pepper Salt Bay leaf ...

Cut the eggplant into slices and shake them in oil on the forehead. Place them on the bottom of an ovenproof dish. Chop the chopped onions in oil until golden. Add the chopped meat and stir until it has split. Add the other ingredients and boil the meat for 10

Appetizers Salt Lemon, juice of Cork Chopped capers ...

Distribute the fish slices on 4 plates. Mix oil with lemon juice, parsley and finely chopped capers. Season with a little salt. Sprinkle the fish with the dressing. Arrange the salad leaves around and sprinkle with capers.

Mains Pepper Salt Peeled tomatoes ...

Peel the potatoes, cut them into slices and dry them. Heat the oil and shake the potatoes here approx. 10 min. Put the half-baked potatoes at the bottom of an oil-fried ovenproof dish. Arrow and chop onions. Heat the oil and season the onion and meat. Add t

Appetizers Minced parsley Oregano Peeled tomatoes ...

The tomatoes are poured into a saucepan. The tomatoes are chopped and put into the pot. The onions are chopped and added with oregano, salt and pepper. Lay the lid on the pot and simmer for 10-15 minutes. Add the finely chopped or squeezed garlic. Distribut

Soups Pepper Salt Coarsely chopped onions ...

Bring lentils, meat, onion and broth in a saucepan. Season with salt and pepper. Boil for 40 minutes or until the meat is tender. Mix tomato sauce, chopped tomatoes, parsley and coriander. Cook for another 5 minutes. Stir the flour with a little water for a sm