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Recipes with Cherry tomatoes

Salads 2 tbsp. Capers Garlic Pepper ...

The potatoes cut into cubes, tomatoes and olives, halved, salad onion chopped and cfire cut coarsely. It all changed in the dressing. Dressing: Olive oil, white wine vinegar, salt and pepper whisked together.

Mains Cucumber/cornichons Bacon Burger buns ...

Mix the meats together with onion, garlic, scallions and herbs, spices and olive oil. Overdæk mixture and place into the refrigerator for min. one hour. take it out about 20 mins before it will be used and the form forcemeat into 1.5 cm thick steaks. Heat a pa

Sides Fresh basil leaves Pepper Grated parmesan ...

Low pie dough according to instructions on the package and advantage in pie form. Rinse the spinach and grate it easily. Cut the Aubergine into fine pieces. Halve the cherry tomatoes. Click rødløget mediumfint. Tear basil leaves lightly. Mix spinach, Eggplant

Appetizers Fresh parsley Green bell pepper Red bell pepper ...

1) the big potatoes put to boil. While they cook, chop the parsley-onion-tomatoes and bell peppers. Pour it into a large bowl and add the cheese. Salt came in. 2) mash the potatoes in the bowl, then everything gets mixed together. 3) Fill a tortilla wit

Mains Wheat flour Bacon, sliced Cherry tomatoes ...

Pork Tenderloin cut into 5, and knock, then thin and cut into pieces. Put the pieces on a tellerken. Share the bacon into 3, and willow pieces from each other (makes it easier for later), and share the sausages in the 2. Get started by finding a tellerken f

Appetizers Basil Cherry tomatoes Good pesto (Basil) ...

Grate toast slices and butter them with a good layer of pesto. cut them through on the bias so it turns into 2 triangles, and then put them on a plate. Inserts mozarellaen into slices, and place 2 slices on each piece of toast. cut the cherry tomatoes throug

Salads Parmasanost Pepper Salt ...

Cut the bacon into 1.5 cm pieces and grate them on the forehead, placed on the fat-sucking paper. Average rødløget in fine pieces. Cut the cherry tomatoes in half and add the bacon and red onions. Set the beans over in boiling, lightly salted water, and Bla

Salads Handful of sesame seeds Small glass chili marinated garlic Beans ...

Cut the cooked cold beans out into small pieces. Cut the cherytomaterne in "both". Cut the marinated garlic in about 4 parts per bold. Mix it lightly together and Sprinkle sesame seeds over. pour a little of the marinade over to finish.