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Recipes with Pepper

Appetizers Pepper Salt Lemon juice. freshly squeezed ...

Cut the mushrooms in half. Grate them on the forehead in a little oil until tender, not dark. Mix rest of ingredients in a bowl and toss the mushrooms in it. Servers.

Appetizers Pepper Dried Serrano ham Water ...

The stem is cut of the artichokes, outer petals and stamens removed and artichoke bottom is cleaned. The emphasis is in abundant water with lemon juice and boil until tender 8-10 minutes. Persillerelish: Blend the remaining ingredients roughly together, and

Appetizers Pepper Salt Lemon juice thereof ...

Top and root of fennel is removed, and the chop very fine. Whip crème fraiche and mayonnaise together. Com fennel in it and season with lemon juice and salt and pepper to taste. You can get a little cumin or herbs in. Grate the tuna by fierce heat, and season

Appetizers Pepper Salt (125 g) sardines in tomato ...

Mash the sardines, onions, tomato concentrate, white wine and garlic together with a fork. Flavor the filling with salt and pepper. Cut the potatoes in 1/2 cm thick slices. Put filling between potato slices two and two.

Appetizers Pepper Salt Capers ...

Halve the tomatoes and remove the seeds. Set de halve tomatoes on a wire rack lined with baking paper. Behind them in the oven at 100 degrees C. alm. oven about 2 1/2 hour. Cut the bread into small cubes and drizzle the vinegar on. Mix oil, garlic, basil

Mains Garlic Curry Pepper ...

Came the oil in a saucepan, warm it up got the bacon in and Brown it well with onions and garlic, add the tomato paste, krydderrierne came in and the liquid, boil it up for about 3 minutes. Add coktailpølserne, boil it for about 5 minutes. Piskefløden ca

Mains Pepper Salt Ground chili ...

Chicks must be cleaned, fat and other things removed and divided into eight pieces, placed in a large ovenproof dish, chicken pieces krydders, set in the oven at 200 degrees C for a ½ hour. Meanwhile, cleaned and peeled off squashen and chopped into cubes.

Mains Pepper Salt Green bell pepper ...

Cut the chicken into serving pieces. Remove the skin and turn the pieces in flour, seasoned with salt and pepper. Arrow the onions and cut them into boats, cut the tomatoes in both. Pressure individual cloves garlic. Inserts peberfrugten into smaller pieces. S