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Recipes with Pepper

Mains Suit Pepper Port wine ...

The apricots soaked in port wine in a day. Fasanerne (cleaned) filled with apricots, sewn together and Brown and put in roaster. FRY in oven at 160 degrees C for about 3/4-1 hour. Bed sheet, cream, Foundation, broth, red currant jelly, water colour, salt

Mains Pepper Grated celery Salt ...

Nuts, potatoes, celery, onion, egg yolks, herbal extract and spices are mixed. Egg whites whipped stiff and invert gently in half of the mass pour into buttered rye bread (I use i.e. wax paper!) apples/prunes added in a layer and the rest of the mass is poured

Mains Basil Fine chopped parsley fresh or dried Bay leaves ...

Start by turning on the oven at 200 degrees c. You must tear 4 paragraph long foil in pieces, they must be ca. be a good meter money, put the double together. Put 1 small handful of Bay leaves in the middle of the foliet, then a small handful of beans, p

Mains Oil Oregano Paprika ...

Pasta cooking: put a pot three quarters full with water. Got a little oil and 1ts. salt in. screw up on the highest burner on the hob and put a lid on the pot. When the water boils, the pasta in. When water boils again, you must take time. Pasta must boil with

Mains Wheat flour Pepper Salt ...

Bacon: Bacon slices rolled together-made up for grabs in a baking and roasting in an oven at 220 degrees C alm. oven for about 25 minutes. Gravy: Brown Butter browned and add paprika, madfløde as well as a little water is added and then tomato purre. Por

Soups Pepper Salt Crème fraiche 38% ...

Cut the potatoes into small squares. Cut the leeks into rings. Fry the bacon crisp in a pan first. There should be no added fat. Add potato cubes and let them simmer with. Add the leeks. Add water and bouillon cube. Add the thyme, salt and pepper, let the s

Mains Pepper Salt Strips lemon peel ...

Boil sveskerne in water with sugar until tender. Share hen in fit pieces. Take ryggben and sternum and cook power on them. Turn over the chicken in the flour, salt and pepper. Pour the oil in frying pan and fry the pieces until they are golden brown. Take t

Mains Dough Fill Pepper ...

Flour, cornmeal, salt, thyme and eggs stirred together. Warm the butter up and stir half well into the dough. Add the water and stir the pond. Let the dough rest for about half an hour. Brush a hot Tefal-forehead ca. 20 cm. in diameter with melted butter an