Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Pepper

Mains Basil Chilli Fresh chilli ...

Kartofflerne: pour into a baking pan, garlic crushed and place in a Meljævnersammen spices, smear with olive oil and rystets well. put them in 30-40 my ovenen. The steaks: Steaks are shaped as ordinary steaks, seasoned with salt and pepper, and Brown pg be

Mains Pepper Salt Butter ...

Cut a cross in the top of the chestnuts, style them in a hot oven to the shell bursts, remove shells and Brown membranes, and boil them until they are tender-20-30 min. Chop them fine. The chopped onion, bladsellerien and it crumbled white bread fried in bu

Mains Coarse salt Almonds, peeled Pepper ...

After thawing take the innards out. Other inspected and rinsed in cold water in-and outside. Blot dry with paper towels. Rub the other check-in and outside with salt and pepper and fill it with the above mentioned ingredients. Close with kødnåle. Buk win

Mains Pepper Salt Chicken ...

Turn the oven on 200 g. Clean the chicken and cut it out and headed into the piece (thighs, breast, wings and so far. You lie pieces with bones and everything down into a big pot where you spicing them with salt and pepper on both sides. Fry the pieces until t

Mains Roasted Onion Browned margarine Fat ...

Cut the cod into suitable pieces. Flip the cod in flour which has come a little salt and pepper. FRY cod in plenty of fat and serve it with roasted onions, white potatoes and browned margarine.

Mains Suit Lemon Cream ...

The flesh be able and rubbed with a mixture of salt, pepper and Curry, Fried as venison in pan: warm the fat in the pan. Put the meat in and Brown it. Pour 1/4 l of boiling water or soup by. Fry the meat slowly for half an hour with lid. Whisk or shake the flo

Mains Suit Pepper Salt ...

Put kujakken in the water a day. Dry it in a cloth (or a piece of paper), and volumes thin Bacon slices on. Warm the fat in a pan, put kujakken in and Brown it on all sides. Sprinkle with salt and pepper, pour the boiling water and cook slowly 1-1 ½ hours. SI

Appetizers Garlic Pepper Salt ...

Cut the cucumber in the Middle, lengthwise. take the seeds out. Grate so the cucumber. Squeeze the juice out of the cucumber. Came up in the cucumber yoghurt. Add salt and pepper to taste. Com 3-4 clove of garlic in.