Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Pepper

Mains Beans Ground beef max 10% Chopped tomatoes ...

Brown the meat in a large pot with salt & pepper. Pour the onion by. When it is svitset add the chopped tomatoes and konsentret tomato puree. Potatoes are peeled and cut into slices. Be turned up in the pot with the beans. Pour a little wetness by. The rig

Mains Pepper Salt Yeast ...

The dough is kneaded together and elevates an hour. It is divided into sixteen buns that folds flat and turned into flour. Each dumpling rolled out to a round plate at ca. 12 cm. It is a good idea to roll the plates out for several laps, IE. first rolled it

Sides Pepper Salt Barbecue sauce ...

All ingredients except mushrooms are mixed together. Mushrooms cut into thin slices and invert gently in the marinade. Let it soak for a few hours in the refrigerator before serving. Tips: Use like an airtight bottle or similar as the garlic smells reasona

Mains Pepper Salt Wheat flour ...

Sauté the meat. Add the spices, curry powder, paprika and pepper and saute it with the onion and got it in. chop together with tomatoes. Add the bouillon cube and cook approximately 10 min. Smooth with the flour and cook an additional approx. 5 min. cut the po

Mains Cognac Or Fintklippet dill ...

Red wine and vegetable broth and spices cooked up in a frying pan. Can then stand and pull to the fondue can be accompanied by will be used. Poured up piping hot in fondue pot and set over flared. The meat is served on tap, like mushrooms. The 3 sauces can

Mains Pepper Salt Bouillon ...

Cut pepper Christmas salad carrots a la julienne. grate the ginger. Heat the oil in the Pan and stir at the krydderrierne well in oil. When it is hot, add the finely chopped roast vegetables and ginger. Mess around a bit in this and fry the fish When the fish

Appetizers Frozen peas A little chili Pepper ...

cream fraichen is stirred together with orange juice, salt and pepper to taste (you can also get a little chilli in). The frozen peas in a blender, along with olive oil and seasoned with salt and pepper. The peas must be to a puree. Then the salmon, served on

Mains Barbecue spice Pepper Salt ...

Peel the potatoes and boil them and then let them cool off. Mix tuna egg chilli cottage cheese salt and pepper to taste in a bowl and stir it together. Cut the potatoes into pieces and put them in a serving dish so that the bottom is covered. Put the mixtur