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Recipes with Pepper

Mains Pepper Pepper. White Salt ...

Turn on the oven at 250 degrees c. alm. oven. Prepare the roast. Put the roast on the grate over a small baking pan and Brown it in about 10 minutes. or to the fat is golden. Clean the vegetables and cut them into small pieces. Take the roast out of t

Mains Pepper Salt Leek ...

Trim if necessary. membranes and tendons from the flesh. Dry it off with paper towel and cut it in not too small cubes (4 x 4 cm). Sprinkle the meat with flour and mix it with salt and pepper. Cut the smoked bacon into small cubes. Fry the bacon dice in its

Lunch Cucumber Pepper Lettuce leaves ...

Stir in mayonnaise, curry sauce, lemon juice, sweet chili sauce and chicken pieces; salt and pepper together. Part baguetterne and butter them with cheese. Put sliced potatoes and tomatoes on and then a portion of chicken mixture. Garnish with sliced onion and

Lunch Cucumber Dill or fresh thyme Olive oil ...

Let the water run from tuna and stir it together with mayonnaise, sweet chili sauce, lemon juice, onions, salt and pepper Butter baguetterne with cheese and cover with lettuce leaves and slices of tomato and cucumber. Put a dollop of tunblanding upstairs along

Lunch Lemon juice Garlic Olive oil ...

The humus to taste with lemon juice, garlic, olive oil, salt and pepper. Cut the Aubergine into slices, about half a centimeter thick, and fry them on a fluted pan. Butter cheese on the bread, put sliced tomatoes on top and pour a little olive oil over T

Lunch Olive oil Pepper Salt ...

Butter cheese on bread, cover with tomato slices and basil. Then slices of mozzarella and ham. Garnér with sliced red onions and basil. Pour the oil over; and sprinkle with salt and pepper

Lunch Pepper Lettuce leaves Salt ...

Stir in eggs and mayonnaise together. Share loaves and grate them some minutes in the oven. Butter cheese on the lower part of the bread and put lettuce, sliced tomatoes, æglmayonnaiseblandingen and bacon over the garnish with finely sliced onion and season wi

Lunch Olive oil Pepper Lettuce leaves ...

Put satatblade, shredded pepper and sliced avocado on bread slices. Then slices of Apple and tomato. On top of the added brie cheese, sundried tomato and sliced red onions. Pour olive oil over and season with salt and pepper.