Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Pepper

Mains Fat for deep frying White pepper Potato bird nests with waldorff ...

Animal Club freed from possibly. membranes, rinsed and dried, after which the Brown on the Pan or roasting pan in oven for margarine, seasoned with salt, pepper and crushed juniper berries, where can it be wrapped in slices of fresh lard and place on roasting

Mains Bones and trimmings from venison Juniper EVS. a little broth ...

Animal Club meeting Brown in a frying pan in oil until it is golden brown. Seasoned with salt and pepper and thyme. Place in a heat-proof dish and FRY finished in ovens at 200 degrees c. alm. oven about 40 minutes per kilogram. meat Roast, if desired. like ove

Mains Pepper Salt Oyster sauce ...

Fill the mallet with salt, pepper, garlic and parsley, and sew it together or use kødnåle. Mix oil, oyster sauce, spices and/or herbs, salt and pepper to the marinade and put the mallet herein at least 6 hours, preferably the next day. Turn it occasionally.

Mains Cold butter Oil or butter for frying Pepper ...

Parsley roots are peeled and cut into rough slices. Cabbage chop into coarse pieces. Potatoes into quarters. Cabbage, parsley roots and potatoes put in an ovenproof dish with garlic, thyme and Rosemary and Fund and a knob of butter added. The dish covered w

Mains Bread and a green salad or steamed broccoli for example Fresh thyme Pepper ...

Meat trimmings and cut it into 4 medallions medaljonerne Brown on both sides, Sprinkle salt, pepper and thyme on and dimming the heat Rose medaljonerne 3-4 min on each side, cover to keep warm and cut the Salsify roots in long pieces of Roast Salsify roots ove

Mains Pepper Salt Butter for frying ...

Slice the breast legs into pieces and boil them together with a soup may or soup herbs and a little water to a strong broth. Brown butter to the sauce in a pan, came the flour in and afbag with broth. Let the sauce cook thoroughly and babies with the cream.

Mains Pepper Parsley Salt ...

Cut the meat into cubes and mix it with the crushed juniper berries and garlic and pour the red wine over. Let the meat and pull the 1-2 24-in the marinade. Dry the meat off with in clean Tea towel (paper towel), Brown it in a skillet and put it into a sau

Mains Corn flour Pepper Salt ...

Animal meat is brown in the Pan in abundant foaming butter. Then sprinkled with salt and pepper, and add broth as well as button 1/4 l cream. Animal shoulder fry over low heat for about 1 1/2-2 hours. Take the flesh up. Add a small glass of port wine or che