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Recipes with Pepper

Cold cuts Cream Pepper Remnants of fried or broiled venison ...

Chop the venison, pork, onions and French bread 2-3 times. Stir it together with spices and eggs and possibly. a little cream. Put forcemeat, which should be fairly steady, in a greased, ovenproof dish layered with udskivede mushrooms, bacon cut into strips an

Mains Pepper Salt Sherry ...

Chop the venison and pork 2-3 times and stir it well with the other ingredients. Form forcemeat for buns of a size, so there will be 35-40 paragraph of the donated unit. Fry them in plenty of fat in the pan. Shake them around in the Pan, as soon as they have f

Mains Pepper Salt Sugar ...

Trimmings animal flesh for tendons and Brown it in butter in a hot pan. It came in a heat-proof platter. Cut onions, chop the tomatoes finely. Grate fresh Parmesan cheese in. Barley groats pressed free of moisture and toasting on a dry pan. Be reversed along w

Mains Pepper Salt Mirepoix of root vegetables ...

The meat is dried, trim and well. The mallet for boning, put a cut on the inside, longitudinally along the leg and cut around the bone. Remove the main tendons. Rub the inside with salt and pepper, cut a few thin slices of lard, and roll studded around Juni

Mains Pepper Salt Juices ...

Plaster Club free of sinew and membranes. Place it in a bowl that fits in size, such that it can be covered with the marinade. Marinade: Making the carrot and Leek able and share them a few times. Willow buds and halvér them. Mix all the ingredients and pou

Cold cuts Pepper Salt Gherkins ...

Ymer and crème fraiche blended. Herein violated French mustard, Apple jelly and mayonnaise. Season with English sauce and spices. Finely chopped gherkins are changed in season with a bit of May. the juice from the grape the cucumbers. Pulls in approximately 2

Mains Pepper Salt Dry madeira ...

The mushrooms be able, rinsed and dried. Then they are cut into smaller pieces and sauté in the pan for a few minutes together with thyme. Madeira is poured over, and it is boiling a few minutes for the alcohol has evaporated, and the flavor is concentrated. W

Mains (add marinade) Pepper Provence spice ...

Mix and marinade the meat added in. Meat must pull in 4-6 hours in a refrigerator, but like overnight. Then FRY meat and leeks in the Pan by excessive heat for about 10 minutes so the pores in the flesh closing. There are seasoned with Provencal seasoning, sal