Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Pepper

Salads Lemon juice Pepper Salt ...

Mix mayonnaise with sour cream, and season with lemon, salt and pepper. Make the filling ready and flip it in mayonnaise mixture. Serve with lemon and wholemeal bread.

Salads Pepper Salt Curry ...

Mayonnaise, yogurt, curry powder, salt and pepper stirred together. Shrimp, mandarins, celery slices and hazelnut flakes touched in. Salad garnish with shrimp, mandarins and lettuce leaves.

Salads Lemon Dill Pepper ...

Let the shrimp thaw, if using frozen. Pour the væden from the asparagus and let them drain. Serve air-dried salad, shrimp, asparagus, peas and bean sprouts in a bowl or a dish with low margins. Stir in sour cream with a bit of asparagus bed sheet and sea

Mains Pepper Breadcrumbs Salt ...

Put the fish in a not too large ovenproof dish. Beat the ingredients for the marinade together and pour it over the fish – style the cool, covered, for at least one hour. Turn it on and off. Sprinkle bread crumbs and salt over the fish and set the dish in a ho

Salads Pepper Lemon juice Small red onion ...

Boil the potatoes and share them into quarters. Peel appelsinen, remove membranes and cut in both. Dice into slices and rinse the spinach. Mix the squeezed garlic, lemon juice, oil, soy sauce, mustard, parsley and pepper. Turn potatoes, Orange and onion in dre

Salads Bread Pepper Salt ...

Cook the pasta and refrigerate it. Clean the two kinds of salads and the spinach and cut the rough. Mix salad with pasta and chopped nuts. Stir a dressing of oil, vinegar, salt and pepper. Pour dressing over salad and crumble the roquefort over.

Salads Pepper Salt Iceberg lettuce ...

Cut the 2 kinds of cheese in small bars. Cut the iceberg lettuce and celery into thin strips. Chop the walnuts and radishes. Serve all the ingredients in a bowl or put them on a large platter Shake the dressing together and pour it over the salad.

Salads Fintklippet chives Pepper Herbal salt ...

Clean all the vegetables and swaths them in thin slices. Cut the cheese into cubes, and mix them together with the vegetables. Mix marinade, and heel the over lettuce.