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Recipes with Pepper

Salads Pepper Salt Lemon juice ...

Profile rødkålen very finely and grate the carrots finely and mix it together. Stir the dressing together and pour it over the salad.

Salads Brown sugar Pepper Salt ...

Average rødkålen fine. Peel rødbeden and cut it in thin strips or grate the rough on a grater. Turn the red cabbage and beetroot together with grated lemon peel, lemon juice and brown sugar. Season with salt and pepper. Garnish with coarsely chopped pistacier.

Salads Pepper Salt Oil ...

Chop the onion. Cut the remaining ingredients into cubes and mix everything gently with the dressing.

Salads Pepper Salt Oil ...

'S julesalaten and cut it into strips. Chop them. Mix the oil with vinegar and spices and pour over the salad.

Salads Pepper Salt Lettuce head ...

Stir a dressing of yoghurt, curry paste, salt and pepper. Turn over the shredded chicken breast, cooked rice, fintsnittet peppers and spring onions in dressing. Serve on lettuce leaves and serve with bread strimlede to.

Salads Pepper Salt Oil ...

Sprinkle the rice in 3 dl. boiling water with 1 tsp. salt and saffron or turmeric. Turn down to low heat and cook for 12 minutes, heavy, tight-fitting lids. Turn off and let the rice stand in the other 12 min. Stir marinade of grated onion, vinegar, oil, salt

Salads A little lemon juice Pepper Salt ...

Tube mascarponen with martini and dill and season to taste with lemon juice and spices. Chop shrimp coarsely (save some for garnish), mix them in mascarponen along with the fintsnittede asparagus. Server on lettuce leaves with toasted bread and butter.

Salads Pepper Salt Iceberg lettuce ...

Cut the tomatoes into cubes. Cut the peppers and the iceberg into strips. Mix it with rice and corn. Mix together and pour the dressing over the salad.