Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Butter or margarine

Cakes Icing sugar Eggs Sugar ...

Mix the flour, baking powder and sugar. Crumble the fat in the milk and mix in and collect the dough. Share evt. the dough and roll it out. Cut it out in a little long triangles and joined a good dollop of cinnamon butter on the wide end. Roll the triang

Mains Cucumber salad Cinnamon sugar Potatoes ...

Clean the chicken thoroughly sprinkle it with cinnamon sugar inside stuffed with parsley, if desired, with close kødnål. then sprinkle it with cinnamon sugar on the outside and fry it on all sides in a pan, water came by and let it simmer, covered, about an ho

Soups Pepper Salt Wheat flour ...

Arrow the onions and cut them into slices. Melt the fat in a soup pan and fry onions in it. Sprinkle the flour over and infants with broth and let Cook about 15 minutes, Set the oven at 225 degrees. Toast bread slices in the oven. Pour soup into 4 ovnfaste ind

Desserts (cold) Fat for frying Icing sugar Grand marnier or other orange liqueur ...

1. Sift flour, brown sugar and cocoa in a bowl. Beat the milk and then the egg is made in a refrigerator in. in 30 minutes. 2. Increased four pancakes. 3. Sip and rinse the strawberries and cut them into slices. Put them in a bowl, and pour the liqueur over. M

Mains Cold water Pepper Rowanberry jelly or red currant jelly ...

After skinning of the bird, be sure to remove all grease, as it gives a fishy taste. Eider, put heart, liver and gizzard in a bowl, cover it with foam milk and let it stand a day time in a cool place. Tag the bird and giblets up, rinse it and dry it thoroug

Mains Apples Pepper Salt ...

The Turkey cleaned, rubbed inside and outside with salt and pepper. Diced apples, small butter cubes and prunes filled into the Turkey. The Turkey placed in a greased baking pan, small cubes of fat is added on top. White wine and cream mixed and poured by.

Soups Pepper Parsley Salt ...

Remove seeds and peel from græskarret. Left over will be approx. 250-300 g pure meat which cut into coarse cubes. Onion and garlic peeled and chopped fine. Sauté letgylden in fat before add the pumpkin cubes and Curry. Sauté of in 5 minutes before adding the b

Cakes Nearly ½ tbsp. vinegar A little salt Smørdej ...

Smørdej: sieve the flour and knead quickly with the cold water and the vinegar. The dough is kneaded until it is smooth and easy, and it is made to rest about 15 minutes in a cool place. Then rolling the dough into a rectangle. The fat is distributed now in