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Recipes with Rhubarb

Bread, buns & biscuits Icing sugar Half-Strawberry Lemon shell thereof ...

For cake, beat eggs and sugar for a very long time, about 10 min. it is quite thick and light yellow. Lemon shell whipped in and flour sifted over and reversed in the butter is melted and stirred gently in.. The dough in a greased and raspet springform and bak

Porridge & gruel Rhubarb Sugar Corn flour cornstarch ...

Clean and rinse the rhubarb. Cut them into 2 cm pieces. Cook rhubarb in water in 5-6 minutes. Stir the porridge through and season to taste with sugar. Udrør corn flour in cold water. Com smooth no in a little at a time and smooth porridge while stirring

Pickling Atamon, liquid Red melatin Strawberries, fresh ...

Put the strawberries in a saucepan. Pour the sugar over. Wash the rhubarb thoroughly in cold water. Cut the rhubarb into small pieces. Put rhubarb into the Pan and stir gently. Let the berries stand to the juices. Boil the mixture for about 15 mins.

Desserts (warm) Breadcrumbs Icing sugar Sugar ...

Slice rhubarb stems into small pieces and mix them with sugar. It came in the gennemfugtede roaster that is greased with half-melted butter. Sprinkle breadcrumbs over and pour melted butter on. Beat the egg whites very stiff. Add 2 tbsp. of sukkere and whip

Mains Fresh herbs to taste Pepper Salt ...

The meat Pat the meat dry with paper towels. Season with salt and pepper. Heat the oil in a frying pan at good heat. Brown the meat on all sides quickly. Put the meat in a baking dish. Butter the meat on the top side with pesto and style it in a cold oven. Tu

Salads White pepper Salt Cucumber ...

Cut rhubarb into pieces of approx. 1 cm. Joined them in a saucepan with the Rosemary stems and sugar. Put a lid on and let the sugar cook out over low heat. Don't touch too much. Season with vinegar. Remove Rosemary stems and let the salsa cool. Arametangen so

Salads Salt Cucumber Cashew nuts ...

Cut the stem and root of majroerne and scrape the white part. Cut them into both. Put them on a baking tray with baking paper and mix with maple syrup and salt. Behind them in the oven at 200 degrees for about 20 minutes. Cut silver praying and rhubarb fine. C

Pickling Citric acid or 2 tsp lemon juice Water or orange juice Vanilla sugar ...

Rhubarb and Angelica stalks cut into small pieces and a layer of water, sugar and lemon stirred together and poured over. Let it stand and pull a couple of hours or warm it quite slowly up immediately. Finally, the jam Småkog ca. 15 minutes and taste it to bef