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Recipes with Rhubarb

Desserts (cold) Port wine Vanilla pod Rhubarb ...

Cut the rhubarb into uniform stems and put them in a pan layered with sugar. Put a lid on the pot and bring it slowly to the boil. Simmer for 2-3 minutes. Take the pan off and let it cool. Term fluid from and reduce it until it starts to karamellisere. Beat

Base recipes Red food coloring Atamon Pineapple essence ...

Rhubarb cut into cubes and rinse well, Who sprinkled tartaric acid over, then 2 l boiling water poured over, and so 2 l of cold water. Must be a 24-hour and filtered through a sieve. Sugar, pineapple essence, red food coloring in the juice, stir regularly for

Cakes in form Baking soda Vanilla sugar Margarine ...

Rhubarb cut into small pieces sprinkled with sugar and heat gently to rhubarb starts to drin. Do not stir. Rhubarb kompotten pour into a colander, the juice should also be used. Margarine and sugar stirred softly, eggs are added one at a time. Mix flour,

Soups Vanillestand Sugar Pasteurized egg yolks ...

Water and sugar cooked up with a vanillestand. Rhubarb is cut finely and boil for 15 minutes along with 150 grams of strawberries. Then pressed through a sieve. The rest of the strawberries chop and place in the soup, which is then cooled. The cream whipped

Desserts (cold) Maple syrup Water Wheat flour ...

Heat oven up to 170 degrees c. alm. oven. Slice rhubarb stems in centimeters thick slices. Boil water up with maple syrup and toss rhubarb in. take pan of flared, and let rhubarb pulling the bed sheet in five minutes. Crumble: knead the butter, flour and

Pickling Water Green gooseberries, fresh Sugar ...

NIP and rinse the slightly immature gooseberry. Cut the rhubarb and cut them into smaller pieces. Put gooseberry, rhubarb and sugar mixed up in a saucepan with tight-fitting lid. Let the pan heat up slowly, to begin to give off moisture clean stikkelsbær. Y

Desserts (cold) Lemon Cake cream powder or corn flour Rhubarb ...

Lemon juice and whipping cream boil together. Egg yolks, sugar and cake cream mixed together. The hot lemon juice with piskefløden reversed in the mixture and boil up. Mixture add stiftpiskede egg whites. Then accepted it in buttered serving molds placed in th

Desserts (cold) Potato flour Vanilla pod Icing sugar ...

Chop them roughly and tonsils, smut grate them on a dry pan until they have taken the color. Make a Compote of rhubarb: cut rhubarb into pieces and mix them with sugar and potato flour and grain from vanillestangen in a tærtefad. Cover with foil and set it in