Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Carrots

Soups Fresh parsley Pepper Salt ...

Carrots and potato peeled off. Potato and half of the carrots cut into smaller pieces and put over boil in water with added broth cube. Boil for about 20 min. to the vegetables are well tender. When the water and vegetables are chilled a bit of, blended it

Various Apple Pineapple, diced Raisins ...

* The raisins soaked in pineapple juice approximately ½ hour * Carrots peeled and grated on the coarse side of the rive iron * Apple peeled and grated with * all the ingredients are mixed in a bowl * Pineapple Juice poured over Tips: My comments to the rec

Salads Apple Pineapple, diced Raisins ...

* The raisins soaked in pineapple juice approximately ½ hour * Carrots peeled and grated on the coarse side of the rive iron * Apple peeled and grated with * all the ingredients are mixed in a bowl * Pineapple Juice poured over Tips: My comments to the rec

Mains Dill Pepper Chives ...

The chicken: come kryderkvistene in øldåserne butter chickens exterior and interior with oil sprinkle well with salt and freshly ground pepper. Mount the chickens on the cans set them in the barbecue at 200 degrees. Time approx. 1 hour per kg each chicken weig

Salads Pepper Salt Walnut kernels ...

• Rinse the rice well and boil them in plenty of water with a little salt, about 1 hour. Pour excess water from. • Clean and cut spring onions fine. • Whisk the lemon juice, oil, garlic, salt and pepper together and turn the hot rice i. let it get cold. • Make

Mains Pepper Salt Paprika, rose ...

Sauté the coarsely chopped onions and garlic in the olive press/margarine until they are lightly golden. Add the meat and Brown it well. Add the chopped tomatoes, tomato puree, finhakket carrots and mushrooms (with væden from there) and spices and simmer

Mains Lemon juice Potatoes (fresh or cooked potato wedges in the oven) Pepper ...

Pike fillets chopped with onions and the rest of the ingredients are added. Be careful with the cream. Forcemeat may like to be somewhat steady but finally not thin. Let rest a bit. forcemeat The models FRY in equal parts vegetable oil and margarine at medium

Mains Spices to taste as. papika salt and pepper Small onions Oil ...

Peel the potatoes and carrots. the potatoes cut into thin boats and the carrots in writing. Remove ratchet drive Fri garlic and onions cut into smaller pieces, peberfrugten cleaned and chop. It's all met up in a bowl along with the oil and spices and mix, in t