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Recipes with Buttermilk

Bread, buns & biscuits Buttermilk Milk Water ...

The flour sifted with salt and sugar. Milk and water are heated to 28-30 degrees, the yeast is mixed in a bit of this. All mixed to a slightly cohesive dough that is recommended for withdrawal. Sour milk is added to cold. Covered with a lid or a cloth wrung ou

Desserts (patisserie) Glaze or melted chocolate Juice of 1 lemon el 150 g apricot jam Buttermilk ...

Syrup and sugar heated in a pan with the sugar is melted. The mass cools in ro. Together beaten eggs and stir in the buttermilk. Flour, soda and spices sifted together a few times and added. The batter is poured into a well-oiled, melstrøet springform, bake fo

Soups Should of 1 lemon Water Whipped cream ...

Bread, cut into small pieces, is soaked in the water 24 hours, pour into the Pan and set over the fire with lemon zest. It touches in it, until it boils. When the bread is well treated when boiling, passes it through a sieve, then add buttermilk and sugar, and

Soups Raisins, prunes or plums Crystal granulated sugar Buttermilk ...

Flour and buttermilk is mixed into the Pan and stirring brought smooth no boil and boil in 2-3 minutes, then sugar is added. They washed or soaked Raisins, prunes can be cooked in the soup afstenede, but it is recommended to cook them separately, particular

Cakes in form Cinnamon, ground Buttermilk Bicarbonate of soda ...

Start with filling: Peel the apples and cut them into cubes. Notch nut kernels. Mix apples, nuts and raisins with flour. Stir in butter well with brown sugar and cinnamon. Stir in the eggs, one at a time. Mix flour with soda and stir it gently in alternatel

Bread, buns & biscuits Coarse salt Buttermilk Water ...

Stir the yeast into the water. Add the buttermilk and the remaining ingredients. Beat the batter well with a ladle. Deck the bowl with aluminum foil and fx style dough to uplift in the refrigerator for 24 hours. Beat the batter through with a ladle. Dip 2 e

Bread, buns & biscuits Wheat flour Yeast Eminent cake margarine ...

Prepare dough the day before of the first four ingredients. The day after mixed the remaining ingredients. It's all mixed to a not real dough Resting time: 20 min. + 10 min. Weigh out at 550 g, look up as small French bread. Raised in 35-40 minu

Cakes in form Salt Buttermilk Dark chocolate 44% ...

Margarine must have texture like mayonnaise. The margarine and sugar stirred white and eggs added one at a time. The ripe bananas blended or moses with a fork and add along with buttermilk oatmeal and chopped nut kernels. Flour, bicarbonate of soda, vani