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Recipes with Banana

Cakes in form Egg yolk Apples Banana ...

Cut the fruits out and blend them. Whip the eggs to the skimmer well. Add sugar and stir well. Turn the flour and vanilla in. mix the fruit in dough. Pour into a 1.4 l. shape, and bake at 160 degrees c. alm. oven for approx. 80 min. on the lower Groove.

Desserts (patisserie) Jordbærchokoloade Vanilla sugar Pineapple ...

Purer strawberries and add cheasy yogurt (possibly add a little less or more yogurt). Butter pure on the 1. Pie bottom. Cut pineapple, banana and peaches into slices. Whip the cream, add 100 ml. cheasy yogurt and possibly. a little vanilla sugar. Lay the banan

Desserts (cold) Fun light with strawberry taste Banana Ylette ...

Strawberry and banana blended. Ylette touched in. Season with fun light lemonade with Strawberry flavour. Freeze. Decorating by serving with strawberries cut into slices.

Desserts (cold) Lemon grated zest and juice of which Rome Sweetener ...

Nut kernels chopped and roasted lightly in a dry pan, allow to cool. Yogurt, Rome and sweetener stirred together. Bananas moses. Stir in the yoghurt together with the lemon zest and juice. The egg whites whipped stiff and fold in. Put into the freezer un

Desserts (cold) Sugar to taste Banana Sherry ...

Set husblasen to soak in cold water for 5 minutes. Stir the egg yolks well with approximately 2-4 tbsp. sugar to taste. Beat the egg whites until stiff. Add 1 tbsp. sugar. Whip meringue foam. Set both in the fridge. Chop the nuts and chocolate coarsely. Shear

Pickling Banana Black currant Red currant ...

Remove the thickest stalks from currants, squeeze the juice of the. Purér banana, mix it gently in the juice

Desserts (cold) Banana Lemon juice Blackberries ...

Tykmælken is stirred with vanilla sugar. The banana cut into small pieces and Add. Isinglass are soaked in a little cold water. Husblasen melted in lemon juice. The melted gelatin added to tykmælken. Equilibrate to the will be fixed. The mixture is poured into

Drinks (cold) Banana Vanilla sugar Sugar ...

Banana sliced and blended added a little buttermilk. Then Add strawberries and eventually the rest of the sour milk with sugar and oatmeal. Served in glass, if desired. decorated with fresh strawberries on top and straws.