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Recipes with Banana

Drinks (cold) Banana Great håndful frozen strawberries Orange juice (prasaad is best) ...

Pour the ingredients in a blender, blend the mixture is smooth. Served in tall milkshake glass.

Cakes in form Baking soda Banana Desiccated coconut ...

Margarine is melted and cooled. Banana moses and the ingredients in a bowl and mix well. Divide the batter in the molds and bake for 20 minutes at 200 degrees c. alm. oven. Garnish, if desired. While they are still warm with chocolate or with glaze wh

Cakes in form Light syrup Eggs Baking soda ...

mix the flour, baking powder, sugar and the chopped nuts together. Whisk eggs, syrup, milk and butter in another URskål.mos the banana and chop the chocolate and put it in tørvarene along with the other. Tips: If you do not have a muffinbageform then put

Desserts (cold) Banana ...

It peels a banana share the EVS in 2 and put a popsicle/teaspoon in the end of bananén and packages it into the silver paper that after you throw it in the freezer also has a healthy ice cream for your children and they love it Tips: before you unpack the

Cakes in form Liquid margarine Breadcrumbs Oil ...

Chop the chocolate and nuts coarsely. Mash bananas (like very mature) with a fork and blade the other things in. Mix well with spoon, not electric beater. Butter a baking dish with liquid frying margarine, with a bagepensel. and sprinkle the dish with br

Salads Cirtonsaft Apple Banana ...

Cut the fruit into pieces and put them in a bowl. Dryb a little lemon juice on. Finished:D

Desserts (warm) Lemon juice Sugar Banana ...

Banana and kiwi cut into small pieces and put in the fridge. the Apple, cinnamon, lemon juice, cooked to mush. The Bush poured over banana and kiwi. More youghurten and maybe a little whipped cream is poured. All fruits can URbruges.alt after taste. Bon appéti

Cakes in form Baking soda Butter Wheat flour ...

Eggs, sugar and vanilliesukker whipped together, stir then wheat flour, baking powder, melted butter and mashed bananas in. Bake in a 23x33 cm. braepande ca. 45 minutes at 175 degrees C alm. oven. Tips: A knitting needle can be inserted in the cake to s