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Recipes with Banana

Drinks (cold) Half a handful of raisins Banana Orange juice ...

Blend everything in a blender 1 min.

Desserts (warm) Hazelnuts Banana Melted light chocolate ...

Softens the banana. Pour 1 dl. light chocolate banana. Garnish with hazelnuts Tips: Put any. also Tuck or jam on, as garnish.

Desserts (cold) Vanilla pod Sugar Apples ...

Cut the fruit into suitable size and put them in a bowl. Råcreme: whip the cream, add the rest of the ingredients. Turn the cream into the fruit and add the chocolate.

Drinks (cold) Banana Skrallet Nectarine Orange juice ...

It all blended together and is ready for serving:)

Drinks (cold) (number is not written on as this may vary according to taste) Orange juice Banana ...

First and foremost you need a blender with ice Crusher. Blend ice cubes until they are beaten well into pieces. Add the tonic (be careful with too much, because the taste is strong) Blend again ... Add the strawberries & blend. Add the rest of the ingredie

Drinks (cold) Banana Chocolate powder Milk ...

mix the ingredients together in a blender

Drinks (cold) Banana Milk Chocolate sauce or chocolate powder ...

Peel the track and cut it into pieces and pour the milk chocolate sauce or chokoladepulvert along with the pitch blend everything into the mix is uniformly flowing Tips: servers with a little whipped cream or ice cream

Drinks (cold) Banana Twister ice (can be purchased at the facts) Whole milk or other milk ...

Take a small klumb twister ice cream (just as ispinden, yes), half a banana into smaller pieces, little apelsin juice and some milk, put it all in a blender or a hand blender, and mix it all together into a soft and creamy mass. .. Bon appétit. TIP: Put the ba