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Recipes with Banana

Salads Whipped cream Banana Grapefruit ...

Rinse the cabbage and cut it into thin strips. Peel grapefrugten and part it into small pieces, remove if necessary. the skin. Cut celery stalks into smaller pieces. Rinse the grapes, halve them and remove the cores. Slice the banana into slices. Gently mix al

Salads Lemon grated to thereof Banana Lemon juice thereof ...

Rinse the apples and polishing them shiny. Cut a lid of each. Jack carpels out and hollow-out the apples gently. Cut the flesh into small dice. Arrow banana and cut it into cubes as well. Mix the fruit in a bowl, add the hazelnuts, crème fraiche, lemon juice,

Salads Banana Pecans Apples like acid ...

Pale celery cut into thin pieces. The apples and banana cut into small pieces and mix with pecannødderne and sliced dates. There onto with lemon juice. Mayonnaisen is stirred together with cream foam and reversed in the salad. Garnish with pecannøddekerner.

Cakes in form Margarine Dark chocolate 44% Baking soda ...

Party fabric touched softly. Sugar in, and both touched to the mass is light and airy. Stir in the eggs one at a time. Flour, cinnamon, baking soda, and vaniliesukker mixed together and charged, and it all touched well together for a light mass. Bananas

Drinks (cold) Egg white Banana Bacardi rum ...

Shake vigorously with ice. Served with a banana slice in between the large glass

Drinks (cold) Banana Lime Sugar ...

All ingredients except lime slice mix in a mixer with 12 cl crushed ice. Run on low speed to mix is smooth. Breakfast is served in a large chilled Wineglass. Garnish with lime slice.

Drinks (cold) Banana Dark Rum Strawberry ...

Put the ingredients in a blender with 7-8 ice cubes and blend with your drink is smooth. Server in the margarita glass and garner with strawberries.