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Recipes with Apples

Pickling Vanilla sugar Plums, fresh, pitted Citric acid ...

They washed, shredded apples freed from flower, stem and core and be painted quickly through kødmaskinen along with the pitted plums. The bog is boiled in water, covered, 10 minutes. Addition of citric acid keeps the bog light. Sugar sprinkled in and boi

Pickling Cayenne pepper Allspice, ground Salt ...

They flushed bright ripe plums halved. The stones are removed. The apples are washed, peeled, shared and freed from cored, flower and stem. Onions must be scalded, peeled and cut to pieces. Apples and onions be painted through kødmaskinen. Plums, Apple-l

Pickling Ginger, crushed Plums, fresh, pitted Citric acid ...

They swept shredded apples freed from flower, stem and core and plum udstenes. Then paint the fruits through kødmaskinen. The bog is boiled in water, covered, 10 minutes. Addition of citric acid/lemon juice keeps the bog light. Sugar sprinkled in and boi

Lunch (to go) A little mayonnaise Pepper Grated horseradish ...

FRY bacon slices crusty, and put them on a paper towel, which sucks the fat. Cut the apples into small cubes, and mix them with minced red onion and chili. Pour lemon juice over, mix and season with grated horseradish, salt and pepper. Butter loaves with a thi

Desserts (cold) Vanilieis Apples Whipped cream ...

Apples peeled and chopped fine. Boil for about 10 min. and cool. The cream whipped stiff. The apples blended with sugar and mix in the cream skimmed. Served with ice.