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Recipes with Apples

Mains A little lemon juice A little sugar Wildlife Fund ...

Deer Club: Animal Club boning get possibly Their butcher to do this for Them. The mallet out in a roasting pan and Brown at about 225 degrees C in the oven, about 25 minutes. When it is browned by, be it in the saucepan, pour over with water or game meat broth

Mains Pepper Salt Thyme ...

Begin with hash-sauce. The ureelle meat deboned sinew and fat. It is cut into fine cubes and FRY in a little butter and seasoned with thyme, marjoram and add bacon cut into small cubes. Sauté well through it all. Chicken meat is run once through a mincer and

Mains Pepper Parsley, fresh Salt ...

Sauce: cut the apples into cubes and Leek in rings, and chop garlic feddet. Saute the Apple cubes, leek rings and garlic in oil without taking the color. Add tomatoes, bay leaf and paprika, and cook for 2-3 minutes. Stir in corn flour flour out in piskeflød

Mains ACETO balsamico Pepper Salt ...

Cut the apples into wedges with Peel and celery into strips. Rose steakene on a hot pan in butter 2-3 minutes on each side. Meanwhile, sauté the celery and apples with thyme in a little butter and steamed finished, covered, on low heat. Steakene taken

Mains Pepper Salt Crushed juniper berries ...

Fasanerne is split into 4 pieces each, Brown well in the margarine in pan, be taken up. Onions and apples cut small fry, the pheasant and put it back into the pan the same down the spices, broth and red wine. Simmer on low heat about 45 minutes under the li

Salads Cream 9% Sweet mustard Cheasy cream 9% ...

Broccolien divided into florets and blanched in boiling water waste in 1-2 minutes, depending on the buketternes version. be taken up and rinse under the cold tap, then Nana the beautiful color. Bacon, and apologise for toasting on the forehead. the apples

Drinks (cold) Cinnamon Juice of ½ lemon Apples ...

Cut the apples into small pieces, squeeze them and Citron. Season with cinnamon.

Sides A little sugar Oil Pepper ...

The onions peeled, chop finely and Brown lightly in oil. The apples cut into fine boats and place in the Pan, where they warmed through 3-4 minutes at her shift heat along with the onions. The redecorated mushrooms seasoned with salt, sugar and pepper, and roa