Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes from Wocobook

Sides Eggs Fresh or dried herbs according to taste Oatmeal ...

Tofu is crumbled or mashed with a fork. Rice, onions, oatmeal and rhodium milk are mixed in (I usually pick it up in the chopper for the rod blender first, but it can be avoided, and you do not have to cut it off). Spices and eggs are added. Stir like fried po...

Bread, buns & biscuits Cane sugar Salt Spelt flour, whole grains ...

Cold water, yeast, salt, sugar and flour are stirred together into a soft dough. It is put in the refrigerator in a bowl of low overnight or for at least 6 hours.

The bowls are put on a greased baking sheet with two spoons or with the hands that may. Is dip...

Mains Curry Peppercorns, black Salt ...

Put a pot of water over, add the broth and salt and pepper and a little curry powder. When the water boils, squeeze the mediser into the desired size of the balls to boil for approx. 20 minutes.

The sauce:
Melt the margarine and put the curry in before the...

Desserts (cold) Whipped cream Plain yogurt Sugar ...

Findel the bears with a whip or in the blender. Add sugar and yogurt and whisk it together. Put it in the freezer until it's even, approx. 12 hours. Stir occasionally in it.

Whip the egg whites stiff. Turn them into the fruit stock. Put it in the freezer ag...

Cakes Cocoa for dusting Baking soda Very strong coffee ...

Whip egg and sugar white, add flour mixed with baking soda and vanilla and spread the dough on a baking sheet lined with baking paper. Behind the bottom for approx. 8 min at 200 °. Cool. Mix coffee and room and lightly roll the roulade bottom with a brush.


Cakes Jams Baking soda Sugar ...

Lubricate a piece of heavy paper and form it into a box of 25 x 35 cm and 3 cm high. Put it on a flat plate. Whip egg and sugar well together. Mix flour and baking soda and sift it into the egg yolks. Wipe the dough into the paper. After baking, remove the cak...

Cakes Sifted powdered sugar Very strong coffee Fintreven dark chocolate ...

Whip egg yolks and flourish light and airy. Mix the nuts well with the flour. Turn it into the batter with chocolate. Finally, turn the spicy egg whites in. Put baking paper on a baking sheet and wide dough. Bake it in the oven on the second row at 175 ° for a...

Cakes Baking soda Cocoa Eggs ...

Eggs and sugar are whipped well. Flour, cocoa and baking soda are reversed.

The dough is spread out into a small frying pan, which is covered with baking paper.

Bake 5 minutes at 200 degrees C.

Immediately turn on a piece of sugar-jam paper. The cake ...