Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with White wine

Mains Butter Broccoli White wine ...

Hajbøfferne rinsed and fried in butter about 3 min. on each side. Served a white wine sauce that is made as follows: Leeks cut into thin rings. The carrots cut into small pieces and FRY in butter. Add the white wine. This cooker for all white wine is almost

Sides Sugar Bøftomat Garlic ...

The tomato is freed of nuclei and blended with shallots and garlic. Mass Sauté with thyme and sugar. Add white wine and reduce to no visible liquid is. Season with salt and pepper.

Mains EVS. bread Cut chives Nykogte pasta bows to 4 pers ...

The pores chop into thin strips and letsteger in oil without being Brown. In this mixed ham strips and white wine. Boil for about 5 mins. Sour cream, mustard, salt and pepper mixed in and boils with in a few minutes. Add the cooked pasta and mix lightly

Mains Coarse salt Herb butter (butter m. parsley Basil) Milk ...

Forellerne cleaned and head and tail cut off. Kryddersmørret be put inside the fish and they rubbed on the surface with coarse salt. Forellerne placed in a dish and white wine and lemon juice is poured in. The dish covered with tinfoil and forellerne be made i

Mains An onion a few carrots or other herbs residues to the Fund Spring onions Carrot ...

Chicken breasts and thighs, cut from the subordinated and boned. Hull met in a saucepan with water to cover, and boil with 1 onion, a couple of carrots and any other gutted remains of herbs. Boil for approximately 2 hours, after which the sieved and boiled dow

Drinks (cold) White wine Preservative Snaps ...

Mix black currant with sugar, red wine and schnapps. Let it be 2-3 24/7. Stir in berries, so often they are crushed and the sugar is dissolved. Pour the mixture through a jelly material and let it drip. Stir and pour the juice in a preservative in cleaned bott

Desserts (cold) Whole apples Marzipan Egg yolks ...

Whole apples freed from kærnehus with special erodes. Marzipan, butter and sugar stir well together and filled into the apples. Bake in oven about 20 minutes at 170 degrees (C). Whip the cream foaming over low heat. Server the apples with vincreme.

Mains Fresh oregano Olive oil Fresh basil ...

Octopi knock, and cut into coarse pieces. The olive oil in a thick-bottomed pan, where garlic, thyme, onion and chili added. When the oil is hot, be complied with in and sauté of octopi. Add the white wine and let it boil in half. Liberate the tomatoes for the