Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with White wine

Cold cuts Pepper Salt White wine ...

The meat is cut from the legs of the hair, the fillet is finished, the rest of the hare is run through the meatbaker with onions, herbs, Madagascar peppers and sprouts. Then stir it with egg, whipped cream and white wine, salt and pepper. The father must stand

Drinks (warm) Fresh lemon (not coated) Cinnamon stick Dried ginger ...

Put the following in a small saucepan: Komquats cut into slices. Must be demolished by the whole Ciron. Juice of whole lemon. The gingerbread piece either whole or grated on raw rice (you need about ½ teaspoon). Cinnamon sticks and Vanilla bars half lengthwi

Mains Cayenne pepper An entire carved chicken el 12 paragraph thighs Pepper ...

Brown chicken pieces in olive oil - pick them up after they have browned a little. Step onion, pepper and garlic. Add saffron - salt - 1 lemon pepper and lemon juice. Then add ¼ cup olive oil and 8 dl. Chicken stock and 6 dl. Rice - Finally put the chicken

Appetizers Asparagus Caviar Herbs ...

The fish is cut into slices of 3 to 4 cm thick. It is steamed in a pan or in an oven, if necessary. Wrapped in foil with salt, pepper and a little butter. Cool. The fish is served with a mayonnaise sauce, flavored with herbs such as dill, chives or parsley

Mains Curry Pepper Salt ...

The chicken is roasted until they are light golden brown. Then they are taken from the forehead and the sliced ​​leeks / spring onions and bacon are cooked at low heat. 3 dl white wine poured down to bacon + leeks / spring onions. This is cooked up.

Mains A little oil Pepper Salt ...

Panchetta or other bacon being placed on a baking sheet lined with baking paper, a piece of wax paper to be laid over a griddle and be over so the bacon lies in pressure. Put in oven at 80 degrees c. alm. ovni ca. 2 hours, for the bacon is dry and crispy. R

Mains Extra olive oil One small handful chopped basil leaves (fresh!) Cooking cream ...

Take a large pot, put a few tablespoons of extra olive oil in and warm it up. Once the oil begins to be "thin" and is easy to distribute in the Pan, put you onions, chorizo, garlic and mushrooms, and svitser to it starts to get a LITTLE Brown (beware the garli

Mains Lemon juice Minced parsley White wine vinegar ...

Salmon portions FRY on each side for 2 min in oven at 180 degrees is made Finished in 4-6 my. Potatoes are boiled until tender in water with a little salt lightly about 12-15 min. The vegetables are cleaned and cut into coarse pieces. Met in a sauté pan