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Recipes with White wine

Mains Dill Lobster pasta Salt ...

The mushrooms are cleaned, cut into slices and swirled in a little butter. The seafood mixture is boiled in white wine for 5 minutes and taken up. Mushrooms are served in the soup with flour and whipped cream. Add some lobster paste, let it boil well. Caref

Appetizers Salt Egg yolk Lemon juice thereof ...

Cook and dart the fresh shrimps. The frozen ones must be washed up. Sprinkle some salt over and sprinkle with lemon juice. Clean the fresh mushrooms and chop them roughly or cut them into thin slices. Chop them for 2 minutes in 2 tablespoons. Butter on a pa

Soups White asparagus Small bdt mug parsley Onion ...

Cut the bottom 5 cm of asparagus and peel them. There must be peels so much that they do not get used to it. Cut the asparagus into 4 cm thick pieces. Pil the parsley into small bouquets, leave the stems out, blame and dry them thoroughly. Put asparagus and p

Mains Mozzeralla cheese Pepper Salt ...

First take the bacon and fry in a large pot. Step until the bacon is crisp. Then put the white wine and let the alcohol boil. Then put all the cream in and let it boil a little. Then put the peeled tomatoes in, as well as salt and pepper as desired. Let the in

Mains Fresh basil Fresh spinach leaves Freshly grated parmesan ...

Tomato Sauce: Onion and garlic chopped and fried in olive oil. Carrots are peeled, cut into cubes and added. Chopped tomatoes, tomato purée, white wine and chopped basil are added. The tomato sauce simmer and towards the end add the cream. Season with salt, p

Base recipes Good olive oil White wine Salt ...

Cut the vegetables well and put them in the oil in a thick pot, for 10-15 minutes at medium heat. Add the peeled tomatoes, tomato puree and a little salt. Turn down the heat and put the pot on the pot. Leave the sauce small for 1½ to 2 hours. If the sauce gets

Mains Pepper Salt White wine ...

The asparagus is peeled from head to root and the lower end of the tree is broken. This is done easiest while the asparagus is on a cutting board as they otherwise easily break. The asparagus is laid obliquely in a saucepan with lame salted potatoes. The he

Pickling Lemon balm Fresh pineapple Rod vanilla ...

Peel the pineapple, cut the stick and cut the fruit into slices. Melt sugar on a pan for caramel. Add pineapple and white wine together with two half vanilla bars. Let it simmer about 10 min. And then let it cool.