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Recipes with White wine

Appetizers White wine Pie bottom Icing sugar ...

1. Place the apricots in softly according to the instructions on the package. 2. Pour the cake into small pieces, spread into the bottom of a greased oven dish. 3. Sprinkle with whitewash and put the soaked, dripped apricots over. 4. Stir eggs and sugar fro

Appetizers Pods) White wine Fresh sugarsnaps (thick ...

The evening before: take the shrimp from the freezer and place them on the deep plate in the refrigerator overnight. In the morning: Marinade to tiger prawns: 1 dl. lime juice ½ dl. soy 2 cloves of garlic 1 chopped spring onions 1 red finely chopped chill

Sauces White wine Skarlotteløg Fresh basil ...

Chop the chicken well, chop it in the butter, pour the white wine, let it boil in a thick porridge, pour the cream and sugar in. This is cooked thickly. Basilica is chopped fine, but first come in just before serving, otherwise it will lose the taste. tips:

Sauces Pepper Salt Asparagus ...

Shrimp and asparagus drip into the door layer - store the liquid. Lubricate electricity. Margarine melt and flour are whipped in. The veins are added a little at a time and boiled well. Season with salt / pepper and sugar. Shrimp and asparagus are added and he

Mains Dill stems Pepper Juice of lemon 1/2 ...

The potatoes peeled and cooked tender without SALT! Whipped to mush and butter, milk and egg yolks are added and stirred well. Season with salt and pepper. Allow to cool. Accepted in the icing bag and sprayed up by the edge on indfast dish. The residual may be

Various Basil White wine Water ...

Boil wine, water and sugar up. Pour mixture into a shallow dish, basilikummen came in and let it cool to room temperature. Roof basilikummen up and style your plate in the freezer and let it freeze into a solid block. Scrape the ice with a gafel, and server th

Mains Asparagus Cream White wine ...

helleflynderen be made clean and scraped well on the skin. then cut a few pockets in the flesh at the Brown page, from the anchovies and outward cut them as big as it can be done without making hole in the Pocket by the Finns, and at the ends, put some salt

Sauces White wine Chicken stock ...

Hønseglace: getting chicken Fund in a pan and let it reduce by half. Add the white wine and let it boil in half again. Season to taste with a blob of butter, salt and pepper. Let it boil for it get a syrupy consistency.