Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Whipped cream

Desserts (cold) Orange syrup with vanilla & chili Split vanilla pod Linghams chili sauce ...

The water to the boil in a thick-bottomed saucepan. And wild rice, round grain milled sprinkled in and boil for approx. 2 min. add milk and vanilla pod. Be brought once again to a boil while stirring. The porridge småsimrer, covered, on low heat for approx. 50

Desserts (cold) Vanilla pod Sugar Almonds, peeled ...

Vanillestangen split and the grains scraped out and saved. Bring the milk to a boil in a thick-bottomed pan and add the rice came in while stirring. Came the "emptied" vanilla pod in and let it cook with in 4-5 my without lid. Roof vanillestangen up and put th

Desserts (cold) Sugar Rice Vanilla pod ...

Cook a rice porridge of milk and rice spiked with the split vanilla rod. Leave to cool. Smut and chop the almonds roughly. Remember to take a whole almond from the almond gift. Whip the cream stiff and turn it in the cold porridge, along with the tonsils. Tast

Desserts (cold) Sugar to taste Whole milk Vanilla pod ...

Crack vanillestangen. Cook the rice, milk, and vanilla on low heat, covered, approx. 45 min. stir in porridge every now and then. Roof vanillestangen up, refrigerate porridge. Chop the almonds, save one to get hole in the dessert. Stir the almonds in the cold

Desserts (patisserie) Chopped hazelnut kernels A little grated fresh or dried ginger Mangokød ...

Peel mango fruit and remove the stone. Take a piece from the garnish and cut the rest into smaller pieces, which are met in the Blender along with the sugar. Butter bottoms with 2/3 of this pure and save the rest to pull the cake with. Whip the cream into foam

Desserts (patisserie) Baking soda Pineapple into cubes or ananasmos Green food coloring ...

Bottoms: Share the eggs and beat the egg whites very stiff. Add the egg yolks and sugar under the constant whipping. Mix the two kinds of flour and baking powder and mix it gently with egg mixture. Got dough in a well-oiled, raspet or floured springform and ba

Desserts (patisserie) Of melon flesh, cut into thin slices Whipped cream Plain pie bottom ...

Beat the egg yolks and sugar well. Husblasen soak in cold water. Shear then all the water from and over pour husblasen with just as much boiling water that the can is mixed with it. Came the grated lemon rind into the egg mixture along with the melted gelatin.

Desserts (patisserie) Tesukker Couverture chocolate Oranges ...

Whip the cream stiff and turn the cake the cream of the cream skimmed. Put the bottoms together with this cream. Cut the oranges through to half that again cut into slices of about 2 mm in thickness. Remove any seeds. Chicken oranges and pour the water away. P