Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Sugar

Cakes in form Wheat flour Sugar Eggs ...

Whip eggs and sugar foamy. Add the flour and mix it. Butter a tærtefad (about 25 cm) with butter and divide the batter in it. place raspberries on top. Bake in the oven at 200 degrees c. alm. oven approximately 35 min. can be served with ice cream, whipped cre

Desserts (warm) Cognac Vanilla pod Sour cream ...

Yolks should be halved and the stones removed. Accepted on a frying pan and sugar sprinkled over. Warmed through 4-5 min. Cognacen (or dark rum) poured over and ignite (remember to switch off the hood). The sour cream mixed with grains of vanilla rod and serve

Pickling Plums Liquid atamon Sugar ...

Plums to sidestep this method must be sure, they skinned and afstenes, halved or cut into even smaller pieces. Stirred with sugar and Atamon. Mix thoroughly and long, then rests it some hours before it touched again and pour in clean jars and glass or be close

Pickling Atamon Plums halved Water ...

Pour the water and sugar in a saucepan together with the yolks. Let it stand and pull a few hours-pipe from time to time. Boil it slowly while stirring. When all the sugar has melted boiled further for about 10 min. to the yolks are tender, still under easy st

Pickling Finreven fresh ginger Lemon Jam powder ...

Cut the yolks into small pieces. Cut the apples into cubes. Peel the lemon thinly and cut the Peel into thin strips. Remove the white membrane of the lemon and cut it into small pieces. Cook the fruit in a pan with a lid for 5 minutes. Add sugar and ginger

Cookies Baking soda Oatmeal Eggs ...

Take a bowl. Mix all the wiping ingrdienser together. Then they put 2 eggs and mix with your hands. When it is the Concierge takes you magarinen and cut in small pieces and put it in the find the bowl. ældt it with your hands. Low snakes on a plate with the do

Pickling Vanilla sugar Plums, fresh, pitted Citric acid ...

They washed, shredded apples freed from flower, stem and core and be painted quickly through kødmaskinen along with the pitted plums. The bog is boiled in water, covered, 10 minutes. Addition of citric acid keeps the bog light. Sugar sprinkled in and boi

Pickling Bright ripe plums Red melatin Rose hips or 350 g purified rosehip peels ...

The washed plums cut itu. The stones are removed. Flower and stem cut of rosehip fruits that are washed, sliced and freed from cores. They can be cut into strips if they are large or be painted through kødmaskinen along with the yolks. Blommekød and rosehip pe