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Recipes with Sugar

Desserts (warm) Whipped cream Vanilla pod Sugar ...

Turn on the oven at 180 degrees c. alm. oven. Findel butter into flour with fingers and mix the sugar in. They came half-pitted plums in a baking dish and sprinkle sugar on the fruit or between the layers, if it is a larger portion. Advantage crumble

Cakes in form Whipped cream Whole milk Vanilla sugar ...

Term the flour in a bowl and crumble the butter into the flour. Beat the egg yolks lightly with a fork and add to the melblandingen together with the vanilla sugar. Gather the dough and place the cool at least 30 minutes. Roll the dough out on a floured boa

Pickling Lemon strips must hence peeled with a potato peeler Water Lemon juice ...

Wash, halve and udsten mirabellerne. Boil water, sugar, lemon juice and be together in about 5 minutes. Refrigerate it until it is lukewarm. Com in sugar mirabellerne lagen. Bring it slowly to the boil. Småkog evaporate without lid for approx. 10 minutes.

Pickling Gelling agent Water Freshly squeezed orange juice ...

Flush mirabellerne. Halve them and remove the stones. Com Mirabelle, orange juice, water and sugar in a saucepan and bring slowly to a boil. Småkog Finally, the jam without the lid for about 20 minutes. Finally, the jam whip through. Add if necessary. ge

Pickling Reinclauder Sugar Water ...

Rinse the yolks, cut them in half and remove the stones. Com yolks in water and let it simmer, for it has been a soft mass. Add the sugar. Boil evaporate, for it will fall slowly from the spoon. Came in cleaned glass. Close to. Kept dark and cool.

Pickling Bay leaf Sugar White wine vinegar ...

Dot yolks and joined them in a jar. Pour the vinegar over. Let it soak in 1 day. Bring the vinegar to a boil half together with sugar and bay leaf ... Came fitted sheet in a cleaned glass and refrigerate it. Com yolks in. close to. Store in a refrigerato

Drinks (cold) Cinnamon Sugar Vodka ...

Halve the yolks, remove kernels and mix with vodka (gin can also be used), sugar and cinnamon. The mixture is poured on bottle and turned over on a daily basis until all the sugar is dissolved (about 4 days). Let it stand dark and cool 3 months. Shake gently a

Desserts (cold) Sugar Plums, fresh, pitted ...

Halve the yolks and remove the stones. Place on wax paper with cut surface facing up and sprinkle with sugar. Behind them in a 250 degrees c. alm. oven in 10-15 minutes. Let them cool off. Server yolks with ice cream. Tips: Here used large plum