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Recipes with Sugar

Desserts (cold) Icing sugar STG vanilla (Polynesian vanilla) STG vanilla (Polynesian vanilla) (grains) ...

Bisquitbunde: Whip whites almost stiff and mix the sugar in little by little to the whites are quite rigid. Turn the chopped walnuts carefully in Mass lubricated up on greased wax paper. and bake light brown, in a 200 degrees C hot oven. Flips out on wax paper

Drinks (cold) Orange in pieces Sugar Vodka ...

Use bright solid Cranberry. They can be stored in refrigerator 4-8 weeks (can also be frozen), but they should NOT be washed before use, as moisture can quickly make the berries bad. Clean and chop the cranberries. Mix all ingredients and let stand in 4-5 week

Drinks (cold) Peel from a lemon Sugar Papaya ...

Cut the papayaen in half, remove peels and cores. Cut into pieces and add to the vodka with lemon peel. Leave it for a week. Filter with pressure. Add if necessary. sugar to taste and leave it for another 3 weeks.

Drinks (cold) Sugar Peppermint extract Vodka ...

Mix all ingredientser and tubes. Leave it for 2 weeks. Add 2-3 teaspoon extract to taste and add if necessary. sugar to get a sweeter and thicker brandy.

Drinks (cold) Rod vanilla Sugar Pistachio nuts ...

Chop the pistachio nuts (releases the flavor to burn the wine) and mix with vodka and vanilla pod. Let it stand for 2 weeks, during which the shaken lightly with spaces. Filter until the fluid is clear. Add sugar, if desired, and leave it for another 3 weeks.

Drinks (cold) Water Fresh raspberries Sugar ...

This recipe works with most berries, such as blackcurrant, blackberries, etc. Finished after 3 months. Clean and check wear. All that is over-ripe or moldy are thrown out. Place the berries in a large bowl. Crush the berries easily. Set them aside. Warm 4 cups

Drinks (cold) Almond extract Cinnamon Sugar ...

Mix all ingredientser and shake thoroughly. Leave it for 2 weeks. Filter and add more sugar to taste. Leave it for another 2 weeks. Can now be served. In coffee or over ice.

Drinks (cold) Rod vanilla Whole ginger Cinnamon stick ...

Infusion time approximately one month. The essence you now have, I would recommend that you add equal volume Brøndum schnapps or vodka. So in my opinion, this will get the right taste. Can be drunk in the morning, after a good hike or for evening coffee.