Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Sugar

Mains Fruit jellies Honey Pepper ...

Cut the goose breasts on the crossword in the fat. Brown them thoroughly on the fat side, and then on the second page. Take them off. Cut the cabbage finely. Let it pull a couple of hours with salt and vinegar. The cabbage throw juice. Pour the juice away.

Mains White wine vinegar Pepper Grated fresh horseradish ...

Goose breasts out in brine 2 days before they rinse and boil in salted water for 15 minutes. Sauce: sauté the chopped onion browned in butter, add the cream and let the silent cook up. Season to taste with white wine vinegar, sugar, grated horseradish, salt

Mains A little lemon juice A little sugar Wildlife Fund ...

Deer Club: Animal Club boning get possibly Their butcher to do this for Them. The mallet out in a roasting pan and Brown at about 225 degrees C in the oven, about 25 minutes. When it is browned by, be it in the saucepan, pour over with water or game meat broth

Cakes in form Glaze Desiccated coconut Cocoa ...

Sugar and eggs, beat well. Flour, vanilla, baking powder and cocoa mix and pour in the batter alternately with the milk. Melt the margarine, cool it and pour it into the dough. Filled in a large roasting pan ca. 33x38 cm. Bake at 190 degrees c. alm. oven fo

Cold cuts Vanilla sugar Margarine Sugar ...

Whisk eggs and sugar together, vanillie. Melt the margarine, cocoa and coconut oil. Whip it all together and pour it on the glass.

Candy Water Butter Wheat flour ...

Bottoms: Flour and margarine and break into pieces and mix with the sugar then add if necessary. a little water to get the dough to hang together. Kneaded and rolled out. 25 bases set out with a laying out or glass ca. 7 cm in diameter. Bottoms baked in 8-1

Bread, buns & biscuits Sugar Ymer Salt ...

4 kornsblanding, flaxseed and whole wheat flour in a bowl and add boiling water. Stands approximately 2 hours. Yeast, ymer, salt, sugar and wheat flour is added and the dough is kneaded well through. Made to uplift a warm place approximately 3/4 hours. T

Desserts (patisserie) EVS. small fresh Peppermint leaves A little gold dust Red currant jelly ...

Grate the marcipanen on the delicate part of the tearing iron. Mix the icing sugar and antler salt well and term it in marcipanen. Beat the egg whites to a slight foam (not stiff). Tube marzipan mixture along with the egg whites to the macaroon batter. Fill it