Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Sugar

Soups Pepper Salt Sugar ...

Cut the spring onion or Leek small print out Cut the carrot into slices Cut the onion into small dice Share the tomatoes and cut them small print out Sauté the vegetables in butter, sprinkle flour over and add the broth. Let it simmer in my 20-30.

Mains EVS. jævning with corn flour Pepper Grated must of ½ lemon ...

Soft French bread into the milk, stir in the minced meat with egg, grated lemon zest, salt, pepper and sugar. Willow lettuce leaves from each other, getting them ½ minutes in boiling, lightly salted water. Take them up and put them on the spække Board. F

Mains Salt Butter for Browning Onion diced ...

The birds are washed and dried and rubbed with salt inside and exterior. Brown them in butter in a frying pan. Take them up, and Brown onion. Add the white wine and chicken stock, and put the birds back into the pan. Roast, covered, for 30 minutes. Take the

Mains Pepper Salt Plums ...

Cut the yolks through and remove the stones. Cut the yolks out in both. Boil the vinegar up with cinnamon, star anise and sugar. Pour the boiling brine over the yolks and let them stand and pull – preferably overnight. Slice the thighs of fasanerne. Slice t

Desserts (cold) Blackberries Water Nougat ...

The bulb peeled off and core are set out with a laying out. Blackberries, water and sugar to boil up and sieved. Boil the bulb up in BlackBerry bed sheet and style the on ice in the brine for about 12 hours. The bulb is taken up by the bed sheet and filled

Desserts (cold) Cinnamon-encountered Maizenamel Fennel ...

Bring on the day before the 1 ½ litres of water to a boil with sugar, as well as the 200 gr. frozen raspberries. Boil the peeled pears easily here (poached) in 12-15 minutes. Be sure that the pears are tender. Cool it all and let the pears get into this brine

Porridge & gruel Milk Water Lemon peel ...

Pour berries and 4 dl water into the Pan, and boil it for 4-5 minutes. Add sugar. Stir flour into the rest of the cold water. Take the Pan from the heat and pour in berries, stirring regularly No. Sprinkle sugar over so that it does not pull skins. Eaten with

Cakes in form Ginger, crushed Nutmeg Eggs ...

Mix the flour and sugar in a bowl. Crumble in the fat and add the eggs, as well as possibly. a little water. Work the dough together to form a solid mass. Allow to stand for a moment kodt. Peel while græskaren and cut it into small pieces and boil them in p