Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Sugar

Cakes in form Salt Eggs Milk ...

Flour, baking soda, oatmeal, salt and sugar mix. The melted butter, egg, water and milk is poured in. The dough which is fairly steady, assembled with a spoon, and distributed in lubricated lens molds. Baking time: about 20 min in 200 degrees c. alm. ove

Cookies Ginger Carnations Pepper ...

Mix butter, syrup and sugar in a kjele. Hot opp to sugar is completely melted. Ta kjelen av platen and la mixture bli litt callers. Stir in herbs, bakepulver fløten and sikt in and mostly av the flour. Stir everything together into a jevn deig. La deigen a

Mains White pepper Salt Handful fresh Chervil or possibly. parsley ...

Arrow skalotte the onions and cut them into small cubes. Rinse and dry the glue, grate rind finely and squeeze the juice. Stir the ingredients for the sauce together. Wash, dry and chop kørvelen and stir it in, season with salt and pepper. Peel the white as

Cakes Icing sugar Eggs Sugar ...

Mix the flour, baking powder and sugar. Crumble the fat in the milk and mix in and collect the dough. Share evt. the dough and roll it out. Cut it out in a little long triangles and joined a good dollop of cinnamon butter on the wide end. Roll the triang

Drinks (cold) Ice cubes Milk Nutmeg ...

got ice cubes in a shaker add sugar, egg yolk, rum, and madeira. shake well. SI drinken over in a red wine glass. fill up with milk and sprinkle with nutmeg

Cakes in form Baking soda Potato flour Wheat flour ...

Soft margarine and sugar is stirred together. Stir in the eggs, one at a time. The other ingredients are mixed and stirred in. Add if necessary. snaps. Pour into two loaf molds bake 1 hour at 180-200 degrees. Tips: The cakes are best if they are touched

Cakes Water Wheat flour Olive oil ...

Prepare the filodejen if it is deep-frozen (must be thawed) Put baked pieces on top of each other on the table. Cut the pastry into the size that fits the form or Hill they have to be made in. Butter tray or shape with oil. Put a layer of Filo on then, put

Cookies Eggs Baking soda Vanilla pod ...

The tonsils slipped and chopped fine, vanillestangen split and scraped out the grains. The dough is kneaded together and made cold a few hours. Run through kødmaskinen, it will cut on the bias into pieces of approx. 10 cm. which is moulded to the doughnu