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Recipes with Sugar

Drinks (warm) Ginger encountered Cinnamon ground Cardamom ground ...

Glöggekstrakt: pour the Apple juice into a saucepan. Spice powder, ginger, vanilliestang (opened and cut into pieces) in a papirtefilter which binds to, and then down into the must. lime shell and stjerneannis also in the must. Warm slowly up to the boiling po

Cakes in form Cocoa Ground cinnamon Red wine ...

Beat the egg yolks and sugar white and frothy and stir in the melted, cooled margarine in. Add the flour, baking powder, vanilla sugar, cinnamon and cocoa and whisk until batter is smooth. Stir in the wine. Turn finally stiftpiskede egg whites into batter alon

Desserts (warm) Salt Bicarbonate of soda Eggs ...

The whole egg whisked with soda, salt and sugar. Flour and ymer is stirred in alternately. Bake as fritters. The dough is thick can be placed in the holes with a spoon but can also poured in from jug Tips: They are very quick to do if children will lov

Cakes Icing sugar Overdraft/glaze Slipped and chopped almonds (Almond splitter) ...

Dissolve the yeast in the lukewarm water. Irør milk with sugar, salt, cardamom, egg and enough flour (about 2 cups) to a light dough (pandekagetyk dej). Beat until dough is smooth and elastic. Add approximately 3 cups of flour and whip through, the dough shoul

Sides Orange shell thereof Water Sugar ...

Water and sugar as well as fine strips from the yellow orange to be cooked together for a few minutes. Cranberry pure add and boil at low heat for approx. 10 min. Take Cranberry clean up with a slotted spoon and put them in a serving bowl. Sugar brine is

Cakes Salt Milk Eggs ...

Before you begin: 1. Put wax paper on a baking sheet 2. Turn on the oven at 225 degrees. 1. measure all items by. 2. Crumble the yeast in an large bowl. 3. Add the margarine in a saucepan. Melt the margarine. Take the pan of. Pour the milk in the General ro

Sauces Fresh chili (minced fine) seedless Balsamic vinegar Broth ...

Put the sugar, balsamic vinegar and broth into a saucepan and let the sugar melt. Then add the whipping cream and the chopped fresh chili. When it warmed up again, it is ready for serving. Tips: When working with fresh chili, it's a good idea to use rub

Desserts (warm) Cinnamon, ground Macaroons Walnut kernels ...

Macaroons and rusks is crushed in a bag and put it in a greased, slightly high tærtefad. The peeled and cleaned apples rives coarsely and mix with sugar and cinnamon. The mixture is added into the dish. Nut kernels chopped and sprinkled over. EVS. a f