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Recipes with Rice

Mains Curry Coconut Rice ...

Boil the meat with water that evenly covers and add salt, split vegetables and soup. Let it boil until it's tender, approx. 1 1/2 hour. Melt the fat to the sauce and season the curry here. Stir the flour and spoon with 5-6 dl of the sweet soup. Cut the meat in

Mains Pepper Rice Salt ...

Heat oil in wokgryden. Add the curry paste and simmer 30-60 seconds. Then put the chicken strips in the wok pot and step them - add the coconut milk and simmer for 20 minutes. Season with salt and pepper - and possibly. A bit of sugar, for taste and pleasur

Appetizers Salt Sesame seeds Desiccated coconut ...

Water, rice and salt are placed in a pan and boiled for 12 minutes. When cooked, they are taken off the heat and pull for 12 minutes. Coconut flour and sesame seeds are shaken on a dry forehead. Coconut and sesame seeds sprinkle over rice.

Mains Pepper Rice Salt ...

Martini cutlets in beer pot Start cutting vegetables and apples - then we're ready to go. The chops are polished to a smooth edge (after taste it can be omitted) and beaten flat so that they can be rolled. The chops are seasoned with sage, sea salt an

Mains Pepper Salt Broccoli ...

The rice is boiled as directed on the package. Sliced ​​cloves and peppers are cut into small terns and the pears are cut into rings. The broccoli is cut into small bouquets. The oil is heated on a large sauté pan or in a wok, after which the onions, peppers a

Mains Rice Piquant cream cheese (yellow) Bacon (sliced or diced) ...

Mushrooms, onions and apples (peeled) cut into suitable pieces. Same with bacon if bought in slices. The pork tenderloin is cleaned and cut into suitable slices. They then brown on a forehead (just brownish superficially, not to be finished). They then come

Mains Oil Rice Red curry paste according to taste ...

The rice is put over. The chicken is cooked on a pan with a little oil, when it is cooked, the coconut milk comes to the forehead with the chicken. The red curry paste is poured into the coconut milk (I usually use 1-2 teaspoons of curry paste), then add the

Mains Garlic (to taste) Curry powder (to taste) Rice ...

- Prawns are thawed and pilled - Garlic peeled and chopped - Pupils are prepared - Prawns, garlic, leeks and curry are cooked in wok until the prawns have a little color. - The rice is added - Then add pepper, baby corn and squash - Leave the dish and sm