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Recipes with Rice

Mains Flutes Magarine Pepper ...

Magarine comes in the pot, the curry is burned, the loaf is switched and the meat is brought in. After 5 min add whipped cream and ketchup, boil on low quench until the meat is tender. (The sauce should turn a little pink and taste a little sweet and strong a

Mains Cream Chopped tomatoes Spices (If selected) ...

(Put water to the rice and boil them with a little salt) Cut the chicken breasts into someone between small pieces. And put them on the forehead until they are 'perfect'. Bring the chopped tomatoes, puree, cream and spices into a bowl and mix it until you thin

Mains Bacon Chili Lemon grass ...

Fold the pig down the center, beware, you do not cut through. Fold out the sweat, lightly tap or press it flat without destroying the meat. Grease a thin layer of peanut butter. Sprinkle with soy sauce. Put finely chopped chilli, garlic and a slightly coars

Mains Minced parsley Pepper Rice ...

Mushrooms, onion and squash are placed in a greased ovenproof dish and seasoned with all-round spices. Place the fish on top and season with salt and pepper. Add about 1½ dl broth and spread carrot and tomato at the top. Bake in a 200 ° hot oven for about

Mains Pepper Rice Salt ...

Season the meat with salt and pepper and brown it in a saucepan. Bring the meat and brown the garlic, chili and pepper. Add the meat and pour the water on. Let the simmer simmer under cover for 12 minutes and add rice. Season with salt and pepper.

Mains Dill Wheat flour Salt ...

A pan is sprayed or lubricated with a little fat. Slices of halibut in portions are added and white wine and water are poured at. Sprinkle with a little salt and steam about 10 minutes. Bring water to the asparagus, cut the stiff end and cook asparagus fo

Mains Pepper Salt Peas ...

* Arrow and notch went well * Swap it for a few minutes * Add rice and simmer for 2 minutes. * Chop the garlic well and put it in the pan * Add tomato paste, water, broth * Boil for low heat for approx. 20 min. * Let the peas boil for the last few minute

Mains Oil for frying Pepper Salt ...

Cook the rice as directed on the package and cool. Ham or hamburgry cuts in smaller terns. Spring onions are cut into slices. Rice, ham, onion, peas and corn are mixed. Sprinkle the 3 eggs together before pouring over the rice stock and stirring well in the