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Recipes with Rice

Mains Oil Pepper Salt ...

Mix flour, peppers, salt and pepper, pan the fish here and raise it. Chop jalapeño (fresh or pickled) and stir with mayonnaise, creme fraiche and lime juice. Serve the fish with the cold sauce together with rice and salad.

Soups Pepper Rice Salt ...

Curry in the butter and chopped the chopped onions and garlic. Add broth and peeled tomatoes and boil for 10 minutes. Add the cream, season with salt and pepper. The peaches are cut into thin boats and added together with prawns. Now the soup just needs to be

Desserts (cold) Nutmeg Raisins Salt ...

Boil the rice in leachate water until they are tender and let them drip well. Whip the eggs well with the maple syrup. Stir milk, nutmeg and salt in, and then rice and raisins. Pour the tender into a greased oven dish and bag it at 175 ° C until it is stiffene

Mains Pepper Salt Tomato puree. concentrated ...

The chicken fillets are cut into the tern. Smooth the onion and lightly sprinkle with the chicken nuts. Add to it paprika, salt, pepper, tomato paste and broth. It all snuffles for 10 minutes. Tasted and served with loose rice and possibly. green bean

Mains EVS. a little saffron A little soya Meljævning ...

The chicken is rubbed with salt, ginger and peppers. Then fill with pieces of apples, pear and banana - peeled. Tie together and put the chicken with your chest up in a refractory dish. Brush with oil and soy. Stir without lid in the oven on a shelf at the bot

Mains Crème fraiche 38% Jævning Suit ...

The chicken is divided into smaller pieces. The bacon is cut free of heavy and cut into narrow strips that fry with the small pinned onion (buy the frozen if you are going to make it easy). When this is golden, put the chicken pieces with garlic cloves and the

Soups Dill Pepper Salt ...

Onion finely chopped and chopped in good oil together with 2 tsp. Fragrant oriental curry in a saucepan. Then add chopped tomatoes, dill, 2 liters fish broth and 1.5 dl rice with short cooking time (loose rice). The glory boils approx. 10-15 min and cut 400

Mains Fresh chopped cilantro Whole fresh ripe pineapple El alm cane sugar ...

1. Start boiling the rice according to the regulations on the package. Cut the ripe pineapple in 2 half lengths and fry the fruit meat in between large terns. Save the 2 half shells for serving. 3.heat a spoon. Oil on a large frying pan and raise the chicken