Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Pine nuts

Sauces Pepper Salt Olive oil ...

Grate the peeled beetroots and mix with crushed garlic, finely chopped pine nuts and olive oil. Season with salt and pepper.

Salads Pepper Salt Heavy dark green Basil ...

You can either apply mortar or blender. In the mortar will be pesto sauce a little tastier, because the ingredients are not being too finely ground, on the other hand, it goes very fast with the blender. If you are using mortar, starts to crush the garlic, whi

Salads Pepper Salt Water ...

Cook the pasta al dente in lightly salted water. Rinse with cold water. The artichokes cooked in approx. ½ hour in lightly salted water. The leaves touched by, and bottoms are cleaned for beard and cut into slices. Parma ham and Emmental cheese cut into thi

Cakes in form Apricot jam Eggs Lemon grated to thereof ...

Mix salt and sugar in the flour. Findel fat in it and add the beaten eggs. Knead the dough together. Style dough cool at least ½ hour. Free the yolks for stone and chop fruit coarsely. Roll the dough out and 2/3 of line a greased pie dish. Advantage apricot sy

Mains Garlic Pepper Salt ...

Dough: Stir comings out in lukewarm water and knead the other ingredients in. Knead the dough approx. 10 minutes (5 minutes by machine) and let it raise to double the size of approximately 1 hour. Share it in two pieces, knead them into balls and roll them wit

Mains Fresh chopped Basil Olive oil Pressed garlic ...

'S and tilberedmuslingerne (look under the seamen's wife's clams). Take the mussels out of the pan. SI bed sheet and cook the goft inside without lid. Chop the pine kernels very fine. Stir in the soft butter with about 3 tablespoons Sea brine, oil, garlic, pin