Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Pine nuts

Sauces Sea salt Flat-leaf parsley Garlic small ...

Fry the Chili's and remove the skin. Roast pine kernels Golden on the forehead. Then take all ingredients and run them in the blender jar or food processor to a mushy paste. Suitable for turning together with cooked vegetables such as spring onions or broccoli

Bread, buns & biscuits Together the beaten egg Grapefruit juice Apple ...

Rinse the Apple. Remove the stem and core. Grate the Apple on the coarse side of the tear the iron. Mix the yoghurt with the melted butter. Stir the yeast in it. Add the pine nuts, grapefruit juice, grated Apple, durummel, salt and most of the wheat flour. Kne

Mains Pepper Salt Vegetable stock ...

Wash thoroughly squashene. Crack them in half and hollow-out them with a spoon. Fill: Came the onion and garlic in a saucepan and sauté it in Becel liquid. Add the meat and Brown it well. Season with salt and pepper. Add the sun-dried tomatoes, Cream fine N

Mains Basil Lemon Fusilli pasta ...

Squashen rives on the coarse side of the rive iron, garlic and squash Sauté in olive oil with salt and pepper. Ricotta cheese mixed with a little milk and poured on the forehead to the squash mixture. Pine kernels roasted light brown on a dry pan and sprinkled

Mains Pepper Salt White port wine ...

Share the chicken in the neighborhood and rub them with salt and pepper. Brown the pieces on all sides in butter in a frying pan. Grate also pine kernels in it. Pour the wine and add the cream. Let the right bugs, covered, for about 1 hour. Season with salt an

Mains Pepper Salt Balsamic vinegar ...

Procedure for marinade and marinating. The marinade mix. Elk meat from the shackles of EVS. membranes and strimles in thin pieces. Bacon and Moose meat is mixed with the marinade. The meat is layered in 2-3 hours. After marinating removed pecorinoerne before

Mains Olive oil Rye flour, wholemeal Basil, fresh ...

Cut the redecorated garfish in ca. 8 cm long pieces. Remove carefully the Green legs. The fish must be like double filet, IE. without the back is cut up. Peel and chop the onion, garlic, Basil and parsley. Fill it in the fish. The fish turned into flour wit

Lunch Pepper Salt Garlic ...

Mix all the ingredients for the pestoen in the blender. Season with salt and pepper to taste-not too much salt. Pour væden from herrings, Pat with paper and share them into smaller pieces. Mix them in pestoen. Let it soak for a few hours in the refrigerator.