Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Pine nuts

Salads Orange juice thereof Yellow bell pepper, diced Cress ...

Grate nuts lightly in a dry pan. Combine the Endive, peppers, onion and grapes in a bowl. Mix nuts in. mix orange juice, olive oil and tarragon together and pour dressing over salad

Salads Balsamic vinegar Bread Garlic ...

Halve the peppers, remove frøstole and brush them with a little oil. Roast the peppers in the oven at 200 degrees for 15-20 min, turn them regularly. Let them cool. Came the tomatoes in boiling water for the skin loosens itself. Bleep the tomatoes and cut them

Salads A little lemon juice Pepper Salt ...

Pasta boiled in plentiful water, rinse in cold water a short time. Then met in a bowl. Spring onions chop finely and mix in the cooled pasta with tomato, pine nuts and oregano. Spinach added. Dressing: lemon juice, chili, garlic, salt and pepper to taste mix w

Salads Fresh green or red Basil Pepper Olive oil ...

Remove the stick from the salad and rinse it gently in cold water. Shake it well clear of the water and place it in the refrigerator in a plastic bag in a few hours, preferably overnight. Cut the bread into fine dice, grate them Golden in oil and put them onto

Mains Oregano, dried Pepper Pepper, black, crushed ...

Crack the Turkey Breast half through lengthwise and wide it out to form a large square. Sprinkle the meat with groftrevet feta, chopped oregano, chopped Sun-dried tomatoes, pine nuts, salt and pepper. Roll the meat together and lace it with cotton string. Seas

Mains Olive oil Pepper Salt ...

Cleanse the flesh for EVS. tendons and rub it with pepper and drizzle with olive oil. FRY it on the grill for three minutes on both sides. Let the meat rest covered with aluminum foil. 'S salad and the advantage on a platter, 's mushroom and plane them into

Sides Pepper Salt Lemon juice ...

Whisk marinade together and pour it over the cooked chicken or Turkey meat (breast), use it for a salad with fx. tomatoes and green salad leaves. Eat coarse flutes.

Mains Basil, dried Pepper Salt ...

Put the salmon fillets in a baking dish greased with a little oil. Stir oil with chopped parsley, pressed garlic, grated lemon zest, salt and pepper. Advantage of the mixture over the fillets and place the lemon slices on top. Behind the salmon at 200 de