Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Olive oil

Salads Lime Pepper Salt ...

Wash or rinse the glue and tear the shell to the marinade. Squeeze the juice for juice. Whip a marinade of oil, honey, gratin and juice, salt and pepper. Cook the pasta as instructed on the package, rinse it in cold water and let it drip into a sieve. Po

Mains Freshly ground black pepper Salt Green pepper, cleaned and cut into squares ...

Heat the oil in a deep pan. Add the pears and sauté them gently for approx. 5 minutes. Add the olives and let it spin for a good 2 minutes. Whip the egg whites and add salt and pepper to your liking. Pour them on a pan and allow the mass to stand on medium hea

Mains Pepper Salt Onions in slices ...

Sauter onions in olive oil 5 min. By steady heat. Add the cut fennel and potato to thin slices and stir them with regular stirring for approx. 20 min. Till they are tender. Season with salt and pepper. Whip the eggs together and season with salt and pepper. Cu

Mains Olive oil Salt Potatoes (peeled and thinly sliced) ...

Bring 2-3 deciliters of olive oil on a pan and bring potatoes and onions. Bring some salt on. They should almost boil slowly in oil. They must not take color and you must move around almost all the time. Whip the eggs in a large bowl and add some salt to them

Mains Freshly ground pepper Salt Onion ...

Chop the rosemary fine. Peel the potatoes and cut them and the onions in slices. Ophed 2 tbsp. Oil in a deep pan and turn the rosemary. Add the potatoes and onions and heat with even heat. Whip the eggs and add potatoes and onions. Season with salt and p

Mains Fresh basil Fresh raspberries A little oil for frying ...

Breasts and thighs of the eider birds are cut from the hull. Breast and thighs are stored for later. The hull is well baked in the preheated oil, add white wine and cook it down to half. Then add water, finely chopped mustard, thyme and basil and reduce onc

Mains Freshly ground pepper Salt Onion ...

Cut onions in rings. The salvie leaves are rinsed and cut into strips. The tomatoes are poured into draining. The oil is heated in a saucepan and the towel is switched. Salad and tomatoes are added, seasoned with salt and pepper and stir thoroughly so that the

Salads Dijon mustard White wine vinegar Herbs of your choice ...

Mustard, olive oil and vinegar blended. This includes green beans, olives, asparagus potatoes in slices, lettuce, herbs, halved cherry tomatoes and anisees. The tuna roast is golden on the pan until it is golden outside - but raw inside. The tuna fillet is div