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Recipes with Olive oil

Appetizers Juice of ½-1 lemon Tabasco to taste-ca. 1 tsp Fresh basil ...

Blend olives, tomatoes and garlic into a small food processor. Add lemon juice and basil and continue. Come Olive oil and drive to the mass is hanging together, but still rough. Taste with tabasco. Serve with small slices of flute or bread.

Mains Crème fraiche 38% Olive oil White bread ...

In a saucepan, the battered virgin himmers are switched to olive oil for a short while, after which they are picked up. In the same oil sauté chopped garlic, tern of white bread and tomatoes for a few minutes. Then add niora and pine nuts. Bring the vege

Soups Onion (finhakket) Vegetables such as URf.eks. leeks, beetroot, potatoes, cauliflower, carrots, courgettes Water ...

Sweat the onions in a large pot. Add water and meat and let this cook over approx. 45 minutes. Meanwhile, the vegetables must be cleaned and cut into cubes. Remove the meat from the pan and then put all the vegetables in the pan. Let it boil after which it

Appetizers Savoy cabbage Chervil Crème fraiche 38% ...

Fresh beef heart rub with coarse salt and simmer for 24 hours. The salted beef heart is rinsed out of salt and cooked mildly with slightly coarse herbs (of your choice) for approx. 45 min. Savoy cabbage is cut into strips, blanched tender and cooled. Roast and

Mains Balsamic vinegar EVS. black olive Chervil ...

Fathers: The cleaned fish is cut off skins and legs, and the real meat is cut into the tern, salted easily and kept cold. The ureal meat is freed as much as possible for bones, mases through a rough sieve and kept cold. A little saffron is boiled in a littl

Appetizers Oil Basil Cream ...

Pesto: Basil blend with garlic, add pine nuts, parmesan cheese and olive oil to the mixture, season with salt and pepper. Pepper the fruit in thin strips and sauté in little oil with low heat. When the pepper is tender, add cream, let the cream boil down un

Mains Olive oil Pepper Salt ...

Roll the batter after the instructions on the package and put it in a pie shape - the dough must hang slightly above the edge. Peel the bottom with a fork and simmer for 10 minutes at 200 °. Arrow and chop onions. Put them in oil and add spinach. Allow it t

Appetizers Corn flour Saffron Fennel ...

All herbs are peeled and cut into slices. The herbs are boiled in the chicken brothel with saffron until they are tender. Then add the capers as well as the olive oil. The bouillon is leveled with maizena (which is stirred in cold water). The court will now si