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Recipes with Olive oil

Mains Pepper Grated nutmeg Salt ...

Vegetable dish with sage and cream cheese cream: The eggplant is cut into thin slices of 2 mm, put the slices on a slice of baking paper and shake golden under the grill in the oven for approx. 5 minutes (possibly of several laps). The potatoes are peeled and

Soups Peas Chili Lemon aftertaste ...

The tiger rears marinate in a little olive oil, coarse lemon and gingerbread ginger. Marinated like the day before. Step on the hedge pan in the dressing until they change color approx. 4 minutes. The finely chopped mustard cloves are sautéed tenderly in th

Soups Olive oil Salt Little ds tomato pasta ...

Put the beans in soft overnight, add if necessary. Extra water. The beans are rinsed and boiled for 15 minutes. - this boiling water is thrown out. Put the finely sliced ​​onion in oil, add the pre-cooked beans and water so the beans are covered - boil for

Salads Lemon Egg yolk (possibly pasteurized) Garlic ...

Cut the salad into big tern (2x 2 cm) and rinse in cold water and dry. dressing: Anchovies and garlic chopped finely, stir egg mustard and lemon juice. Now add the oil slowly under strong whipping until it becomes a lind mass, use if necessary. A blender.

Mains Chopped, fresh parsley Pepper Salt ...

The oven is preheated at 175 degrees C. The butter is melted in a saucepan large enough to accommodate the cutlets in one layer. Then chopped the chopped onion and carrots with stirring for approx. 10 minutes. When they are clear, the saucepan is set aside.

Mains Pepper Salt Eggs ...

The chops are brown on both sides. Season with salt and pepper and place in an ovenproof dish. Cheese, eggs, creme fraiche, parsley and spices are stirred together. Put the ham on the chops and spread the cheese mixture. Place in the oven at 225 degrees on the

Mains Balsamic vinegar Olive oil Parmesan cheese ...

Heat a frying pan. Bring some oil on the forehead. Stir the chops on both sides with good heat. Step them on for 3-4 minutes depending on the thickness. Take them off the forehead and let them rest covered 5 minutes before serving. Pour any excess fat from

Mains Lime juice Pepper Salt ...

Marinate the chops in oil, chopped thyme, garlic and grated lemon peel, salt and pepper for approx. 1 hour time. Cut green and fruit in large pieces. Turn the remaining marinade from the meat over vegetables, season with salt and pepper. Stir the vegetables un