Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Olive oil

Lunch Wheat flour Garlic Chinese cabbage ...

Cut the salmon into strips in size as to goulash. Got flour, salt and pepper and, if desired. herbs to taste in a plastic bag. Stuffed salmon strips in the bag and shake it so that the flour is distributed evenly on the salmon. Heat the oil in a small saucepan

Bread, buns & biscuits Honey Salt Unboiled rice ...

The rice is cooked according to instructions on the packaging. The cooked rice, add 7 dl. cold water. When it has cooled to about 40 degrees, add yeast salt and honey. When the yeast has dissolved, add the other ingredients. Hold a little back for st view on w

Sauces Basil Chili (hot) Oregano ...

Finely chop the onion and garlic and sauté in olive oil. Add salt and pepper, plenty of thyme and basil and a little oregano. Canned tomatoes blended and poured in. Season with a little strong chilli. Chilli taste may be a little strong but certainly not

Mains A little oil or butter Olive oil Pepper ...

Sauté the root vegetables in a little oil or butter, add the cream and boil into the mosagtig texture. Turn the bread crumbs in the mass and season with salt and pepper (a little loud so it gives flavor to the fish). Fill panaden into the cut pocket and rea

Mains Pepper Salt Coriander ...

Coat chicken fillets for membranes and tendons. Dry them carefully. For marinade stir tomato ketchup, olive oil and the two kinds of vinegar together in a bowl to a uniform mass. Pressure in individual cloves garlic and add the brown sugar. Stir well and ad

Mains Pancakes Pepper Pepper. White ...

Stir ingredients together in a bowl of pancake batter. First stirred egg and flour together, add the milk gradually so that the dough will be klumpfri and let it stand in the refrigerator at least half an hour. Low kødsovsen before you fry the pancakes. Bro

Mains Vegetables Corn flour to jævning Pepper ...

Brown first beef shoulder in a large frying pan in butter and oil. Boxes the fat and season the roast with salt and pepper. Com so red wine, water and spices in the pot and let the bow småstege, covered, for about 2 ½ hour until it is tender (Note væden may on

Appetizers Flat-leaf parsley Pepper Finely grated lime ...

Lakserogns cream: Invert gently lakserogns cream together ingredients for. Style cream covered in the refrigerator for at least 1 hour. Season to taste. Carpaccio: cut chop in thin strips. Advantage the parsley on 4-5 plates and serve that end, the thinly s