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Recipes with Olive oil

Mains Watercress Freshly ground pepper Sea salt ...

Oily by scratches and roast seasoned with salt and pepper to taste and can optionally brushed with mustard, oil, acacia honey or maple syrup. Then put into a 225 degrees c. alm. oven for about 15 minutes. The temperature must be screwed down at 180 degrees

Sauces Bay leaves Pepper Salt ...

Sauté onions and carrots in the butter and oil in about 10 mins without Brown. Tomatoes with moisture added with salt, pepper, Bay leaves and thyme and småkoger for about 20 mins, after which stegesky and tomato puree added, taste, if desired. with a little

Sauces Leaves from 1 small sprig thyme Pepper Salt ...

Chop the onion finely and saute it in oil to the pieces are soft and slightly Golden. Squeeze the garlic into, along with the finely chopped chilli. Saute about 30 seconds and then add the tomatoes, cut into quarters, and the herbs. Cook with lid approx. 10 mi

Mains Fund (veal vegetable) Pepper Salt ...

Culotten fine-tuned for fat and sinew and Brown in a frying pan. Parsley is washed and the thick stems removed. Basil rinse. Garlic peeled and it all blended with oil, salt and pepper and pour over meat. Marinate as long as possible but at least 2 hours (li

Mains Pepper Salt Olive oil ...

Hvisløgsfeddene tamper-proof. Rosemary twigs rinsed and hurled dry. 1 tbsp. Rosemary needles chopped very fine along with garlic individual cloves and binds with the oil. The meat dabbed dry a piece of paper towel. With a tight knife plug holes around the r

Mains Salt Water Lemon, the juice of which ...

Forcemeat mix with pressed garlic, the juice from the lemon, chopped parsley, water, salt and wheat flour. FRY in olive oil. Tips: Try to serve with tzaziki and Greek potatoes and maybe a good Greek red wine ... ... ...

Mains Or 500 g frozen spinach Olive oil Parmesan cheese ...

Cook the pasta in plenty of salted water. While the pasta is boiling, steamed spinach. When it is steamed, take it up at the Pan, and gently squeezed from the water. The finely chopped garlic Fry lightly in olive oil in spinach pan. Add the spinach and stir in

Mains Pepper Salt Olive oil ...

Mix the chicken pieces with oil, chopped onions, chopped parsley and salt and pepper to taste. Half of the puff pastry roll out and line a greased pie dish with it. Put a taglagt layer potato slices to cover the entire bottom. Sprinkle lightly with Salt and pe