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Recipes with Olive oil

Sides Chili Pepper Salt ...

Tomatoes blanched and skinned by the skin. Onion cut into coarse cubes and sauté in oil until tender, without taking colour. Vinegar is added and it boils into a quarter. Tomatoes into coarse cubes granted together with peeled apples cut into cubes. Boil to

Soups Chopped dill Pepper Salt ...

Slice eel in 3-4 cm long pieces. Cook it up in 1 liter of water with 1 tbsp. salt. Cream thoroughly. Drag the Pan aside. Peel and slice the fennel, carrot and onion into pieces under reasonable taking into account the size of the soup spoon. Sauté the herbs

Mains Mixed green salad or tomato salad Garlic powder Italian pasta spaghettimix ...

Pasta: Preparation on the table: Put the flour in a pile on the table. Sprinkle some salt and 1 tsp spaghettimix over. Make a depression in the flour and pour the eggs into the recess. Add the olive oil and knead the dough well until it is smooth and firm. Let

Dressing Anchovy fillets and a little water Lemon juice or 2 teaspoons dijon mustard Freshly grated Parmesan cheese ...

Use a food processor to the dressing. Blend all ingredients except oil and Parmesan cheese. Stir in oil and Parmesan cheese in dres No. Season to taste with pepper.

Dressing Anchovy fillets and a little water Lemon juice or 2 teaspoons dijon mustard Freshly grated Parmesan cheese ...

Use a food processor to the dressing. Blend all ingredients except oil and Parmesan cheese. Stir in oil and Parmesan cheese in dres No. Season to taste with pepper.

Mains Oil or frying fat to udbagning Pepper Salt ...

The rice is boiled in salt water 10 minutes, sieve and cool. Rice stirred together with butter, saffron, parmesan and eggs. Made cold. Kyllingeleveren cleaned and cut into fine cubes. Onion and garlic peeled and cut into fine cubes. The oil heats and sauté oni

Appetizers Olive oil Salt Green olives ...

It's all chopped with a knife or blended well, consistency will be adjusted with the oil at the end. Serve with good bread. Tips: Should preferably be made 1-2 days before it must be eaten. It is important that there is a thin layer of oil over the m

Salads Olive oil Pepper Salt ...

Yoghurt is poured into a dress and afdryppes 2-3 hours Cucumber rives, sprinkled with salt and stands in approximately a quarter of an hour Then rinse it and al væden sheared by The now solid yogurt mixed with garlic, a little oil, paprika, mint, salt and pepp