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Recipes with Olive oil

Mains Pepper Parsley Salt ...

Water brislerne out in a large bowl of faintly running water 10-15 minutes. Rub brislerne free from blood residue. Com brislerne in a pot and cover them with cold water with salt and lemon juice. Cook on a low heat, covered, brislerne 10-15 minutes. Roof

Salads Fine bulgur Finely chopped onion Lemon juice ...

Chop the parsley and Mint finely by hand, clean it and put it to drain. Washing bulguren and mix it with the chopped tomatoes, and let it stand for 20 min. chop the onions finely and mix the parsley, mint, tomatoes and onions in a bowl. Add lemon juice, olive

Mains Bay leaves Pepper Raviolidej ...

Raviolidej: mix all the ingredients for a glossy and chewy dough. Wrap it in film and put it on ice. Thymus: Deck brislerne with cold water and bring them to a boil. Let simmer for 5 minutes and cool them off. 'S brislerne to only clean meat back. Rose bris

Mains Basil Coarse salt Lasagne sheets ...

Sauté onion and garlic in the oil. Add the meat and let it sear. Add the remaining ingredients (carrots throughout) and simmer for 3 hours. Yes it is true with 3 hours. Infant to with water along the way. Mash the carrots and got them back in the kødsaucen.

Mains Salt Cucumber Rocket ...

Peel the potatoes and cut it into slices – can wait for water to the must in the oven. The potatoes sprinkled with salt and crushed garlic and cream poured over. Must have 1 hour at 200 degrees in the oven. Use hot air, so can be fully attached underneath.

Mains Pepper Saffron threads Salt ...

Heat the oil in a Saute pan and saute the finely chopped garlic and finely chopped chili. Add the chicken fillet, rice, saffron and broth and let Cook on a low heat for about 20 mins. Take chicken meat up, share it in smaller pieces and got it back in the P

Bread, buns & biscuits Salt Chopped tomatoes from the Tin Conc. tomato puree ...

The yeast is mixed into the water. Salt, oil, durum wheat flour is added. Add flour a little at a time, which according to knead. All ingredients for the filling, beat together. The dough is shaped to approx. 8 flat buns. The filling is distributed on bu

Bread, buns & biscuits Olive oil Flax seed Salt ...

Oatmeal, linseeds, sesame seeds and water boils easily to mush. The icy water, yeast, salt and olive oil stirred into porridge. In this mixed the flour it is kneaded well together in the porridge mixture. (stir for about 10 min) The dough is very soft, it m