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Recipes with Olive oil

Mains Salt Onion Olive oil ...

Poularden in 8 pieces and slice the ham into narrow strips. Heat the olive oil and fry the poularden and ham lightly for a moment along with the chopped onion and garlic. Take it out of the pan. In the same oil FRY Scampis and the udskivede Octopus for a momen

Mains Pepper Salt Thyme ...

Cut fish out of water for about 12 hours, changing water occasionally. Let the fish run well by, remove skins and bones, and cut it into pieces. Cut the peeled potatoes into thick slices. Heat olive oil, and fry the onion and Leek up, which is cut into slices,

Sides Lemon juice White wine or cider vinegar Mustard powder ...

Com mustard seeds in a bowl, add the boiling water and let it soak 1 hour. Drain, and came the mass in a blender. Added the remaining ingredients and blend the mass until it is a smooth paste. Got it in clean glass, and save it in the refrigerator. Shelf life

Mains Fresh thyme Olive oil Pepper ...

The potatoes peeled and cooked tender as for mashed potatoes. Mash them through a potato bog iron and season to taste with salt and freshly ground pepper. Flip 5-6 tablespoons olive oil gently in the Marsh. Mashed potatoes should never beat or stir violently-s

Salads Chopped parsley, Basil or mint leaf A little freshly chopped chili Pepper ...

Inserts vandmelonen into cubes, and remove as many policies as possible. Cut the tomatoes in both, cut red onion, garlic and chili paper thin. Mix it with melon and tomato, pour the vinegar and oil and season with salt and pepper. Sprinkle with chopped h

Salads Pepper Salt Olive oil ...

Slice the melon in half, remove seeds and peel the pieces. Cut them into small cubes. Cut the sugar peas in half and mix them with melon pieces, peanuts and picked lettuce head. Whisk olive oil and lime juice together and come spring onions, a little salt a